Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 from ..utils import get_labels, line_messages, ignore_warnings
2 from ..meta import get_sensor_bands
3 from ..metrics import rmse, rmsle, mape, mae, leqznan, sspb, mdsa, performance
4 from ..plot_utils import add_identity
6 from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec, GridSpecFromSubplotSpec as GridSubplot
7 from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
8 from collections import defaultdict as dd
9 from sklearn import preprocessing
10 from pathlib import Path
12 import matplotlib.animation as animation
13 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
14 import numpy as np
15 import os
19  def __init__(self, args, model, data):
20  self.args = args
21  self.model = model
22  self.data = data
24  # Sample a limited number of training samples to plot
25  n_samples = len(self.data['train']['x'])
26  self._idx = np.random.choice(range(n_samples), min(n_samples, 10000), replace=False)
29  def setup(self):
30  self.train_test = np.append(self.data['train']['x_t'][self._idx], self.data['test']['x_t'], 0)
31  self.train_losses = dd(list)
32  self.test_losses = dd(list)
33  self.model_losses = []
35  # Location of 0/-1 in the transformed space
36  self.zero_line = self.model.scalery.inverse_transform(np.zeros((1, self.data['train']['y_t'].shape[-1])))
37  self.neg_line = self.model.scalery.inverse_transform(np.zeros((1, self.data['train']['y_t'].shape[-1]))-1)
39  if self.args.darktheme:
40  plt.style.use('dark_background')
42  n_ext = 3 # extra rows, in addition to 1-1 scatter plots
43  n_col = min(5, self.data['test']['y'].shape[1])
44  n_row = n_ext + (n_col + n_col - 1) // n_col
45  fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_col, 2*n_row))
46  meta = enumerate( GridSpec(n_row, 1, hspace=0.35) )
47  conts = [GridSubplot(1, 2 if i in [0, n_row-1, n_row-2] else n_col, subplot_spec=o, wspace=0.3 if i else 0.45) for i, o in meta]
48  axs = [plt.Subplot(fig, sub) for container in conts for sub in container]
49  axs = axs[:n_col+2] + axs[-4:]
50  [fig.add_subplot(ax) for ax in axs]
52  self.axes = [ax.twinx() for ax in axs[:2]] + axs
53  self.labels = get_labels(get_sensor_bands(self.args.sensor, self.args), self.model.output_slices, n_col)[:n_col]
55  plt.ion()
56  plt.show()
57  plt.pause(1e-9)
59  if self.args.animate:
60  ani_path = Path('Animations')
61  ani_tmp = ani_path.joinpath('tmp')
62  ani_tmp.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
63  list(map(os.remove, ani_tmp.glob('*.png'))) # Delete any prior run temporary animation files
65  # '-tune zerolatency' fixes issue where firefox won't play the mp4
66  # '-vf pad=...' ensures height/width are divisible by 2 (required by .h264 - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20847674/ffmpeg-libx264-height-not-divisible-by-2)
67  extra_args = ["-tune", "zerolatency", "-vf", "pad=width=ceil(iw/2)*2:height=ceil(ih/2)*2:color=white"]
68  ani_writer = self.ani_writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg_file'](fps=3, extra_args=extra_args)
69  ani_writer.setup(fig, ani_path.joinpath('MDN.mp4').as_posix(), dpi=100, frame_prefix=ani_tmp.joinpath('_').as_posix(), clear_temp=False)
71  @ignore_warnings
72  def update(self, plot_metrics=[mdsa, rmsle]):
73  model = self.model
74  if hasattr(model, 'session'):
75  (prior, mu, sigma), est, avg = model.session.run([model.coefs, model.most_likely, model.avg_estimate], feed_dict={model.x: self.train_test})
76  train_loss = model.session.run(model.neg_log_pr, feed_dict={model.x: self.data['train']['x_t'][self._idx], model.y: self.data['train']['y_t'][self._idx]})
77  test_loss = model.session.run(model.neg_log_pr, feed_dict={model.x: self.data['test' ]['x_t'], model.y: self.data['test' ]['y_t']})
78  else:
79  # mix = model.model.layers[-1]
80  tt_out = model(self.train_test)
81  coefs = prior, mu, sigma = model.get_coefs(tt_out)
82  est = model._get_top_estimate(coefs).numpy()
83  avg = model._get_avg_estimate(coefs).numpy()
84  train_loss = model.loss(self.data['train']['y_t'][self._idx], model(self.data['train']['x_t'][self._idx])).numpy()
85  test_loss = model.loss(self.data['test' ]['y_t'], model(self.data['test' ]['x_t'])).numpy()
86  prior = prior.numpy()
87  mu = mu.numpy()
88  sigma = sigma.numpy()
91  est = model.scalery.inverse_transform(est)
92  avg = model.scalery.inverse_transform(avg)
94  n_xtrain = len(self._idx)
95  train_est = est[:n_xtrain ]
96  train_avg = avg[:n_xtrain ]
97  test_est = est[ n_xtrain:]
98  test_avg = avg[ n_xtrain:]
100  for metric in plot_metrics:
101  self.train_losses[metric.__name__].append([metric(y1, y2) for y1, y2 in zip(self.data['train']['y'][self._idx].T, train_est.T)])
102  self.test_losses[ metric.__name__].append([metric(y1, y2) for y1, y2 in zip(self.data['test' ]['y'].T, test_est.T)])
104  self.model_losses.append([train_loss, leqznan(test_est), test_loss])
105  test_probs = np.max( prior, 1)[n_xtrain:]
106  test_mixes = np.argmax(prior, 1)[n_xtrain:]
108  if model.verbose:
109  messages = zip( [performance( lbl, y1, y2) for lbl, y1, y2 in zip(self.labels, self.data['test']['y'].T, test_est.T)],
110  [performance('avg', y1, y2) for lbl, y1, y2 in zip(self.labels, self.data['test']['y'].T, test_avg.T)])
111  self.messages = [m for msg in messages for m in msg]
112  line_messages(self.messages, nbars=2)
114  net_loss, zero_cnt, test_loss = np.array(self.model_losses).T
115  [ax.cla() for ax in self.axes]
117  # Top two plots, showing training progress
118  for axi, (ax, metric) in enumerate(zip(self.axes[:len(plot_metrics)], plot_metrics)):
119  name = metric.__name__
120  line = ax.plot(np.array(self.train_losses[name]), ls='--', alpha=0.5)
121  ax.set_prop_cycle(plt.cycler('color', [l.get_color() for l in line]))
122  ax.plot(np.array(self.test_losses[name]), alpha=0.8)
123  ax.set_ylabel(metric.__name__, fontsize=8)
124  ax.set_yscale('log')
126  if axi == 0:
127  n_targets = self.data['train']['y_t'].shape[1]
128  ax.legend(self.labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.22, 1.1 + .1*(n_targets//6 + 1)),
129  ncol=min(6, n_targets), fontsize=8, loc='center', title='Training')
131  axi = len(plot_metrics)
132  self.axes[axi].plot(net_loss, ls='--', color='gray')
133  self.axes[axi].plot(test_loss, color='w' if self.args.darktheme else 'k')
134  self.axes[axi].plot([np.argmin(test_loss)], [np.min(test_loss)], 'rx')
135  self.axes[axi].set_ylabel('Network Loss', fontsize=8)
136  self.axes[axi].tick_params(labelsize=8)
137  axi += 1
139  self.axes[axi].plot(zero_cnt, ls='--', color='w' if self.args.darktheme else 'k')
140  self.axes[axi].set_ylabel('Est <= 0 Count', fontsize=8)
141  self.axes[axi].tick_params(labelsize=8)
142  axi += 1
144  # Middle plots, showing 1-1 scatter plot estimates against measurements
145  for yidx, lbl in enumerate(self.labels):
146  ax = self.axes[axi]
147  axi += 1
149  ax.scatter(self.data['test']['y'][:, yidx], test_est[:, yidx], 10, c=test_mixes/prior.shape[1], cmap='jet', alpha=.5, zorder=5)
150  ax.axhline(self.zero_line[0, yidx], ls='--', color='w' if self.args.darktheme else 'k', alpha=.5)
151  # ax.axhline(neg_line[0, yidx], ls='-.', color='w' if self.args.darktheme else 'k', alpha=.5)
152  add_identity(ax, ls='--', color='w' if self.args.darktheme else 'k', zorder=6)
154  ax.tick_params(labelsize=5)
155  ax.set_title(lbl, fontsize=8)
156  ax.set_xscale('log')
157  ax.set_yscale('log')
158  minlim = max(min(self.data['test']['y'][:, yidx].min(), test_est[:, yidx].min()), 1e-6)
159  maxlim = min(max(self.data['test']['y'][:, yidx].max(), test_est[:, yidx].max()), 2000)
161  if np.all(np.isfinite([minlim, maxlim])):
162  ax.set_ylim((minlim, maxlim))
163  ax.set_xlim((minlim, maxlim))
165  if yidx == 0:#(yidx % n_col) == 0:
166  ax.set_ylabel('Estimate', fontsize=8)
168  if yidx == 0:#(yidx // n_col) == (n_row-(n_ext+1)):
169  ax.set_xlabel('Measurement', fontsize=8)
171  # Bottom plot showing likelihood
172  self.axes[axi].hist(test_probs)
173  self.axes[axi].set_xlabel('Likelihood')
174  self.axes[axi].set_ylabel('Frequency')
175  axi += 1
177  self.axes[axi].hist(prior, stacked=True, bins=20)
179  # Shows two dimensions of a few gaussians
180  # circle = Ellipse((valid_mu[0], valid_mu[-1]), valid_si[0], valid_si[-1])
181  # circle.set_alpha(.5)
182  # circle.set_facecolor('g')
183  # self.axes[axi].add_artist(circle)
184  # self.axes[axi].plot([valid_mu[0]], [valid_mu[-1]], 'r.')
185  # self.axes[axi].set_xlim((-2,2))#-min(valid_si[0], valid_si[-1]), max(valid_si[0], valid_si[-1])))
186  # self.axes[axi].set_ylim((-2,2))#-min(valid_si[0], valid_si[-1]), max(valid_si[0], valid_si[-1])))
188  # Bottom plot meshing together all gaussians into a probability-weighted heatmap
189  # Sigmas are of questionable validity, due to data scaling interference
191  axi += 1
192  KEY = list(model.output_slices.keys())[0]
193  IDX = model.output_slices[KEY].start
194  sigma = sigma[n_xtrain:, ...]
195  sigma = model.scalery.inverse_transform(sigma.diagonal(0, -2, -1).reshape((-1, mu.shape[-1]))).reshape((sigma.shape[0], -1, sigma.shape[-1]))[..., IDX][None, ...]
196  mu = mu[n_xtrain:, ...]
197  mu = model.scalery.inverse_transform(mu.reshape((-1, mu.shape[-1]))).reshape((mu.shape[0], -1, mu.shape[-1]))[..., IDX][None, ...]
198  prior = prior[None, n_xtrain:]
200  Y = np.logspace(np.log10(self.data['test']['y'][:, IDX].min()*.5), np.log10(self.data['test']['y'][:, IDX].max()*1.5), 100)[::-1, None, None]
201  var = 2 * sigma ** 2
202  num = np.exp(-(Y - mu) ** 2 / var)
203  Z = (prior * (num / (np.pi * var) ** 0.5))
204  I,J = np.ogrid[:Z.shape[0], :Z.shape[1]]
205  mpr = np.argmax(prior, 2)
206  Ztop= Z[I, J, mpr]
207  Z[I, J, mpr] = 0
208  Z = Z.sum(2)
209  Ztop += 1e-5
210  Z /= Ztop.sum(0)
211  Ztop /= Ztop.sum(0)
213  zp = prior.copy()
214  I,J = np.ogrid[:zp.shape[0], :zp.shape[1]]
215  zp[I,J,mpr] = 0
216  zp = zp.sum(2)[0]
217  Z[Z < (Z.max(0)*0.9)] = 0
218  Z = Z.T
219  zi = zp < 0.2
220  Z[zi] = np.array([np.nan]*Z.shape[1])
221  Z = Z.T
222  Z[Z == 0] = np.nan
224  ydxs, ysort = np.array(sorted(enumerate(self.data['test']['y'][:, IDX]), key=lambda v:v[1])).T
225  Z = Z[:, ydxs.astype(np.int32)]
226  Ztop = Ztop[:, ydxs.astype(np.int32)]
228  if np.any(np.isfinite(Ztop)):
229  self.axes[axi].pcolormesh(np.arange(Z.shape[1]),Y,
230  preprocessing.MinMaxScaler((0,1)).fit_transform(Ztop), cmap='inferno', shading='gouraud')
231  if np.any(np.isfinite(Z)):
232  self.axes[axi].pcolormesh(np.arange(Z.shape[1]),Y, Z, cmap='BuGn_r', shading='gouraud', alpha=0.7)
233  # self.axes[axi].colorbar()
234  # self.axes[axi].set_yscale('symlog', linthreshy=y_valid[:, IDX].min()*.5)
235  self.axes[axi].set_yscale('log')
236  self.axes[axi].plot(ysort)#, color='red')
237  self.axes[axi].set_ylabel(KEY)
238  self.axes[axi].set_xlabel('in situ index (sorted by %s)' % KEY)
239  axi += 1
241  # Same as last plot, but only show the 20 most uncertain samples
242  pc = prior[0, ydxs.astype(np.int32)]
243  pidx = np.argsort(pc.max(1))
244  pidx = np.sort(pidx[:20])
245  Z = Z[:, pidx]
246  Ztop = Ztop[:, pidx]
247  if np.any(np.isfinite(Ztop)):
248  self.axes[axi].pcolormesh(np.arange(Z.shape[1]),Y,
249  preprocessing.MinMaxScaler((0,1)).fit_transform(Ztop), cmap='inferno')
250  if np.any(np.isfinite(Z)):
251  self.axes[axi].pcolormesh(np.arange(Z.shape[1]),Y, Z, cmap='BuGn_r', alpha=0.7)
253  self.axes[axi].set_yscale('log')
254  self.axes[axi].plot(ysort[pidx])#, color='red')
255  self.axes[axi].set_ylabel(KEY)
256  self.axes[axi].set_xlabel('in situ index (sorted by %s)' % KEY)
258  plt.pause(1e-9)
260  # Store the current plot as a frame for the animation
261  if len(self.model_losses) > 1 and self.args.animate:
262  ani_writer.grab_frame()
264  if ((len(self.model_losses) % 5) == 0) or ((i+1) == int(self.args.n_iter)):
265  ani_writer._run()
268  def finish(self):
269  if self.args.animate:
270  ani_writer.finish()
271  # input('continue?')
272  plt.ioff()
273  plt.close()
275  if self.model.verbose:
276  print('\n' * (len(self.messages) + 1))
list(APPEND LIBS ${PGSTK_LIBRARIES}) add_executable(atteph_info_modis atteph_info_modis.c) target_link_libraries(atteph_info_modis $
Definition: CMakeLists.txt:7
def get_sensor_bands(sensor, args=None)
Definition: meta.py:114
def leqznan(y, y_hat=None)
Definition: metrics.py:119
def performance(key, y, y_hat, metrics=[mdsa, sspb, slope, msa, rmsle, mae, leqznan], csv=False)
Definition: metrics.py:208
def __init__(self, args, model, data)
Definition: TrainingPlot.py:19
def update(self, plot_metrics=[mdsa, rmsle])
Definition: TrainingPlot.py:72
def add_identity(ax, *line_args, **line_kwargs)
Definition: plot_utils.py:9
def line_messages(messages, nbars=1)
Definition: utils.py:53
def get_labels(wavelengths, slices, n_out=None)
Definition: utils.py:76