Go to the documentation of this file.
111 pos[i]= gsl_interp_eval(interpolation, data->gpstime, data->position[i], l1rec->scantime, accelerator);
263 dataNode = rootNode.first_element_by_path("n1:Level-1C_Tile_ID/n1:Geometric_Info/Tile_Geocoding");
288 xmlBuffer = dataNode.find_child_by_attribute("Geoposition","resolution","20").child_value("ULX");
290 xmlBuffer = dataNode.find_child_by_attribute("Geoposition","resolution","20").child_value("ULY");
314 dataNode = rootNode.first_element_by_path("n1:Level-1C_Tile_ID/n1:Geometric_Info/Tile_Angles/Viewing_Incidence_Angles_Grids");
382 dataNode = rootNode.first_element_by_path("n1:Level-1C_DataStrip_ID/n1:General_Info/Datastrip_Time_Info");
383 xmlBuffer = rootNode.first_element_by_path("n1:Level-1C_DataStrip_ID/n1:General_Info/Datastrip_Time_Info/DATASTRIP_SENSING_START").first_child().value();
386 dataNode = rootNode.first_element_by_path("n1:Level-1C_DataStrip_ID/n1:Image_Data_Info/Sensor_Configuration/Time_Stamp");
391 dataNode = rootNode.first_element_by_path("n1:Level-1C_DataStrip_ID/n1:Image_Data_Info/Sensor_Configuration/Time_Stamp/Band_Time_Stamp");
409 dataNode = rootNode.first_element_by_path("n1:Level-1C_DataStrip_ID/n1:Satellite_Ancillary_Data_Info/Ephemeris/GPS_Points_List");
419 dataNode = rootNode.first_element_by_path("n1:Level-1C_DataStrip_ID/n1:Satellite_Ancillary_Data_Info/Ephemeris/GPS_Points_List/GPS_Point");
455 polyNode = dataNode.first_element_by_path("eop:extentOf/gml:Polygon/gml:exterior/gml:LinearRing/gml:posList");
502 dataNode = metaNode.find_child_by_attribute("metadataObject", "ID", "measurementOrbitReference");
503 dataName = dataNode.first_element_by_path("metadataWrap/xmlData/safe:orbitReference/safe:orbitNumber").attribute("groundTrackDirection").value();
522 productName = dataNode.first_element_by_path("byteStream/fileLocation").attribute("href").value();
646 l1rec->scantime = data->scene_start_time + recnum * data->lineTimeDelta; //may want to to some math with recnum here
674 gm_p_b = l1rec->geom_per_band; // store this address so that it can be later destroyed in close()
726 // get_zenaz(epos, l1rec->lon[ip], l1rec->lat[ip], &l1rec->geom_per_band->senz[ipb], &l1rec->geom_per_band->sena[ipb]);
728 interpViewAngles(data, ip, recnum, ib, &l1rec->geom_per_band->senz[ipb], &l1rec->geom_per_band->sena[ipb]);
881 if(! opj_read_header(data->l_stream[bandIdx], data->l_codec[bandIdx], &(data->image[bandIdx]))){
903 data->parameters[bandIdx].DA_y1 = std::min((tileIdx+1)*(int32_t)data->cstr_info[bandIdx]->tdy,file->nscan/3);
915 data->parameters[bandIdx].DA_y1 = std::min((tileIdx+1)*(int32_t)data->cstr_info[bandIdx]->tdy,file->nscan*2);
924 data->parameters[bandIdx].DA_y1 = std::min((tileIdx+1)*(int32_t)data->cstr_info[bandIdx]->tdy,file->nscan);
932 if (!opj_set_decode_area(data->l_codec[bandIdx], data->image[bandIdx], data->parameters[bandIdx].DA_x0,
an array had not been initialized Several spelling and grammar corrections were which is read from the appropriate MCF the above metadata values were hard coded A problem calculating the average background DN for SWIR bands when the moon is in the space view port was corrected The new algorithm used to calculate the average background DN for all reflective bands when the moon is in the space view port is now the same as the algorithm employed by the thermal bands For non SWIR changes in the averages are typically less than Also for non SWIR the black body DNs remain a backup in case the SV DNs are not available For SWIR the changes in computed averages were larger because the old which used the black body suffered from contamination by the micron leak As a consequence of the if SV DNs are not available for the SWIR the EV pixels will not be the granule time is used to identify the appropriate tables within the set given for one LUT the first two or last two tables respectively will be used for the interpolation If there is only one LUT in the set of it will be treated as a constant LUT The manner in which Earth View data is checked for saturation was changed Previously the raw Earth View DNs and Space View DNs were checked against the lookup table values contained in the table dn_sat The change made is to check the raw Earth and Space View DNs to be sure they are less than the maximum saturation value and to check the Space View subtracted Earth View dns against a set of values contained in the new lookup table dn_sat_ev The metadata configuration and ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME from the MOD02HKM product The same metatdata with extensions and were removed from the MOD021KM and MOD02OBC products ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME was set to MODIS in all products These changes are reflected in new File Specification which users may consult for exact the pow functions were eliminated in Emissive_Cal and Emissive bands replaced by more efficient code Other calculations throughout the code were also made more efficient Aside from a few round off there was no difference to the product The CPU time decreased by about for a day case and for a night case A minor bug in calculating the uncertainty index for emissive bands was corrected The frame index(0-based) was previously being used the frame number(1-based) should have been used. There were only a few minor changes to the uncertainty index(maximum of 1 digit). 3. Some inefficient arrays(Sigma_RVS_norm_sq) were eliminated and some code lines in Preprocess_L1A_Data were moved into Process_OBCEng_Emiss. There were no changes to the product. Required RAM was reduced by 20 MB. Now
void get_zenaz(float *pos, float lon, float lat, float *senz, float *sena)
Definition: get_zenaz.c:28
These are used to scale the SD before writing it to the HDF4 file The default is and which means the product is not scaled at all Since the product is usually stored as a float inside of this is a way to write the float out as a integer l2prod min
Definition: HOWTO_Add_a_product.txt:76
MOD_PR01 Production producing one five minute granule of output data in each run It can be configured to produce as many as three five minute granules per run Each execution with one construction record and one date file for each dataset In normal these are created by which splits them out of the hour datasets For LANCE they are created by which merges all session MODIS L0 datasets overlapping the requested time and extracts from the merged data those packets which fall within that time period Each scan of data is stored in the L1A granule that covers the start time of that scan
Definition: MOD_PR01_pr.txt:19
PARAM_TYPE_NONE Default value No parameter is buried in the product name name_prefix is case insensitive string compared to the product name PARAM_TYPE_VIS_WAVE The visible wavelength bands from the sensor are buried in the product name The product name is compared by appending and name_suffix ie aph_412_giop where prod_ix will be set to PARAM_TYPE_IR_WAVE same search method as PARAM_TYPE_VIS_WAVE except only wavelength above are looped through but prod_ix is still based ie aph_2_giop for the second band
Definition: HOWTO_Add_a_product.txt:42
void interpViewAngles(l1str *l1rec, int pixel, int scan, int band, float *senz, float *sena)
void resample_msi(opj_image_t *image, filehandle *file, int recnum, int srcRes, int destRes)
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:210
double esdist_(int32_t *year, int32_t *day, int32_t *msec)
void warning_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data)
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:174
void interpGPSpos(l1str *l1rec, double *pos, int detector, int band)
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:98
no change in intended resolving MODur00064 Corrected handling of bad ephemeris attitude resolving resolving GSFcd00179 Corrected handling of fill values for[Sensor|Solar][Zenith|Azimuth] resolving MODxl01751 Changed to validate LUT version against a value retrieved from the resolving MODxl02056 Changed to calculate Solar Diffuser angles without adjustment for estimated post launch changes in the MODIS orientation relative to incidentally resolving defects MODxl01766 Also resolves MODxl01947 Changed to ignore fill values in SCI_ABNORM and SCI_STATE rather than treating them as resolving MODxl01780 Changed to use spacecraft ancillary data to recognise when the mirror encoder data is being set by side A or side B and to change calculations accordingly This removes the need for seperate LUTs for Side A and Side B data it makes the new LUTs incompatible with older versions of the and vice versa Also resolves MODxl01685 A more robust GRing algorithm is being which will create a non default GRing anytime there s even a single geolocated pixel in a granule Removed obsolete messages from seed file
Definition: HISTORY.txt:413
int decodeMSI(filehandle *file, int32_t bandIdx, int32_t recnum)
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:820
int readl1c_msi_lonlat(filehandle *file, int recnum, l1str *l1rec)
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:610
make_L3 README txt Compiling set environment variables for HDBLIB and HDFINC to the appropriate HDF4 lib and include directories make_L3_v1 c o make_L3 LIB lib a I LIB I $HDFINC L $HDFLIB lmfhdf ldf lz ljpeg lm lmalloc Running make_L3 takes input from standard so the SeaWIFS level files should be piped to the program via the command line as in to be allocated by the program to buffer the compositing The the better Ideally it should be to fit the entire global image(with all the layers) at once. Otherwise the process will be buffered on disk. -bufstep
char * strdup(const char *)
bg::model::point< double, 2, bg::cs::spherical_equatorial< bg::degree > > Point_t
Definition: get_dataday.cpp:23
void unix2yds(double usec, short *year, short *day, double *secs)
this program makes no use of any feature of the SDP Toolkit that could generate such a then geolocation is calculated at that and then aggregated up to Resolved feature request Bug by adding three new int8 SDSs for each high resolution pixel
Definition: HISTORY.txt:192
no change in intended resolving MODur00064 Corrected handling of bad ephemeris attitude data
Definition: HISTORY.txt:356
PARAM_TYPE_NONE Default value No parameter is buried in the product name name_prefix is case insensitive string compared to the product name PARAM_TYPE_VIS_WAVE The visible wavelength bands from the sensor are buried in the product name The product name is compared by appending and name_suffix ie aph_412_giop where prod_ix will be set to PARAM_TYPE_IR_WAVE same search method as PARAM_TYPE_VIS_WAVE except only wavelength above are looped through but prod_ix is still based ie aph_2_giop for the second and prod_ix set to PARAM_TYPE_INT name_prefix is compared with the beginning of the product name If name_suffix is not empty the it must match the end of the product name The characters right after the prefix are read as an integer and prod_ix is set to that number strncpy(l2prod->name_prefix, "myprod", UNITLEN)
int readl1c_msi(filehandle *file, int recnum, l1str *l1rec, int lonlat)
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:637
int32_t rdsensorinfo(int32_t, int32_t, const char *, void **)
Definition: rdsensorinfo.c:69
no change in intended resolving MODur00064 Corrected handling of bad ephemeris attitude resolving resolving GSFcd00179 Corrected handling of fill values for[Sensor|Solar][Zenith|Azimuth] resolving MODxl01751 Changed to validate LUT version against a value retrieved from the resolving MODxl02056 Changed to calculate Solar Diffuser angles without adjustment for estimated post launch changes in the MODIS orientation relative to incidentally resolving defects MODxl01766 Also resolves MODxl01947 Changed to ignore fill values in SCI_ABNORM and SCI_STATE rather than treating them as resolving MODxl01780 Changed to use spacecraft ancillary data to recognise when the mirror encoder data is being set by side A or side B and to change calculations accordingly This removes the need for seperate LUTs for Side A and Side B data it makes the new LUTs incompatible with older versions of the and vice versa Also resolves MODxl01685 A more robust GRing algorithm is being which will create a non default GRing anytime there s even a single geolocated pixel in a granule Removed obsolete messages from seed as required for compatibility with version of the SDP toolkit Corrected test output file names to end in per delivery and then split off a new MYD_PR03 pcf file for Aqua Added AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor to the inventory metadata in MOD01 mcf and MOD03 mcf Created new versions named MYD01 mcf and MYD03 where AssociatedPlatformShortName is rather than Terra The program itself has been changed to read the Satellite Instrument validate it against the input L1A and LUT and to use it determine the correct files to retrieve the ephemeris and attitude data from Changed to produce a LocalGranuleID starting with MYD03 if run on Aqua data Added the Scan Type file attribute to the Geolocation copied from the L1A and attitude_angels to radians rather than degrees The accumulation of Cumulated gflags was moved from GEO_validate_earth_location c to GEO_locate_one_scan c
Definition: HISTORY.txt:464
no change in intended resolving MODur00064 Corrected handling of bad ephemeris attitude resolving resolving GSFcd00179 Corrected handling of fill values for[Sensor|Solar][Zenith|Azimuth] angles
Definition: HISTORY.txt:366
How many dimensions is the output array Default is Not sure if anything above will work correctly strcpy(l2prod->title, "no title yet")
int sunpos(double tjd, double r[3], char **errstr)
void l_sun_(int *iyr, int *iday, double *sec, float *sunr, float *rs)
int32_t readDetectorFootprint_msi(filehandle *file, int band)
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:437