Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 //**********************************************************
3 //l1cgen firstly defined as mainL1C.cpp
4 // Originally created by Martin Montes on 3/27/2021 (first version)
5 // last version 3/7/2022
6 //**********************************************************
7 #include <allocate2d.h>
8 #include <allocate3d.h>
9 #include "allocate4d.h"
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include "l1c_input.h"
12 #include "l1c_filehandle.h"
13 #include "l1c_str.h"
14 #include "l1c.h"
15 #include "hawkeye_methods.h"
16 #include <chrono>
17 #include <sys/stat.h>
18 #include "l2_str.h"
21 using namespace std;
22 using namespace l1c; //l1c classes
23 using namespace std::chrono;
26 //#define VERSION "1.0.0"
28 #define PROGRAM_NAME "l1cgen"
29 #define VERSION "5.3 3/24/2022"
31 /* Global variables */
33 int main(int argc, char** argv)
34 {
35  int status;
38  const char* ptstr;
39  double etime;
40  string ifile_str;
41  char* ifile_char;
44  //------------------------------------------------------------------
46  int swtd = 1;
47  size_t num_scans, num_pixels;
48  double* time_mgv = nullptr;
49  float * lati = nullptr, * loni = nullptr, * lati2 = nullptr, * loni2 = nullptr,** lat_gd = nullptr, ** lon_gd = nullptr, * az_gd = nullptr;
50  double** lat_cgd, ** lon_cgd;
51  int32_t num_gridlines;
52  int nfiles;
53  double* tcross = nullptr, * ect_d = nullptr;
54  float* mgvswt = nullptr;
55  int16_t* tiod = nullptr, * odir = nullptr, * fileid = nullptr, * swtdid = nullptr, * nfiles_swt = nullptr;
56  int16_t c = 0;
57  float** pix_size_u, ** pix_size_v;
58  float** Ltfracsum = nullptr, ** areabinsum = nullptr, ** nobs_perbin = nullptr;
59  float** lat_asort = nullptr;
60  short** index_xy = nullptr;
61  vector<pair<float, int>> vp;
62  int NY1 = -1, NY2 = -1, NY = -1, NX = -1, c1 = 1;
63  char* diroutname="out/";
64  int check;
65  size_t sline;
68  L1C_input l1cinput;
69  l1c_filehandle l1cfile;
70  l1c_str l1cstr;
71  l2_str l2str;
72  L1C* ptl1c = new L1C();
73 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
75  if (argc == 1)
76  {
77  l1cinput.l1c_usage(PROGRAM_NAME, VERSION);
78  return 1;
79  }
81  // see if help on command line
82  for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
83  {
84  if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0))
85  {
86  l1cinput.l1c_usage(PROGRAM_NAME, VERSION);
87  }
88  }
90  //grab CLI info
91  l1cinput.l1c_inputmain(argc, argv, &l1cinput, &l1cfile, PROGRAM_NAME, VERSION);
93  ifile_str = l1cinput.files[0];
94  ifile_char = &ifile_str[0];
95  file_format format = getFormat(ifile_char);
96  l1cfile.format=format.type;
98  //create output file dir
99  check=mkdir(diroutname,0777);//add error here in case the dir exists
100  if (check == -1)
101  // cerr << "Error : " << strerror(errno) << endl;
102  cout<<"the out directory was already created-------------------------------"<<endl;
103  else
104  cout << "Output Directory created..."<<diroutname<<endl;
106  if (format.type != FT_INVALID)
107  {
108  if (ptl1c->load_l1c_filehandle4(&l1cfile, &l1cinput) != 0)
109  {
110  printf("-E- %s: Error loading %sl1c filehandle.\n", argv[0], l1cfile.l1b_name.c_str());
111  exit(1);
112  }
114  //LEGACY OPTION 3 (binning area-weighting)
115  //******************************************************************************************************************************
116  if (format.type != FT_SPEXONE && format.type != FT_HARP2 & format.type != FT_HARP && l1cfile.l1c_pflag == 3)
117  {
118  int sfiles=0,fi=0;
119  cout<<"------------------------------area-weighting method--------------------"<<endl;
120  cout<<"*********************************legacy sensor ************************************"<<endl;
121  cout << "number of files to be processed for creating the L1C grid..." << l1cfile.ifiles.size() << endl;
123  nfiles = l1cfile.ifiles.size();
124  try{
125  int result;
126  result=l1cfile.selgran[0];
127  if(result>0){
128  while(l1cfile.selgran[sfiles]>0){
129  cout<<"selected granule #..........................."<<l1cfile.selgran[sfiles]<<endl;
130  sfiles++;
131  }}
132  else{
133  throw(result);
134  }}
135  catch(int e){
136  if(e<0)//process all granules
137  {
138  cout<<"all L1B granules will be processed...."<<nfiles<<endl;
139  sfiles=nfiles;
140  cout<<"the number of files must be <=10!!..."<<endl;
142  for(int j=0;j<sfiles;j++) l1cfile.selgran[j]=j+1; //the number of files must be <=10
144  cout<<"ALL GRANULES are processed TOO IF selgran input argument was not setup in CLI ..please use selgran=-1 for binning ALL granules or selgran>0 for speccific granules"<<endl;
145  cout<<"otherwise all granules will be processed by default!!"<<endl;
146  }
147  if(e==0)//process all granules
148  {
149  cout<<"wrong granule #..."<<e<<"must be >0..."<<endl;
150  exit(1);
151  }
152  }
156  tcross = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
158  //setting specific sensor params
159  l1cfile.nbinx = 514;
161  for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
162  {
164  str = l1cfile.ifiles[i];
165  ptstr = str.c_str();
166  cout << ptstr << endl;
168  //computation of equatorial crossing time
169  if (status = ptl1c->ect_sf(ptstr, &l1cfile,&l1cinput) > 1)
170  {
171  printf("-E-%s: status=2 error computing equatorial crossing time%p for file%s.................\n", argv[0], tcross, ptstr);
172  exit(1);
173  }
174  tcross[i] = l1cfile.eqt;
175  if (l1cfile.eqt > 0)
176  {
177  c++;
178  }
179  }
180  cout << "number of eq crossings per day.(day and night).." << c << endl;
181  l1cfile.nswath = c;
183  fileid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(int16_t));
184  swtdid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(int16_t));
185  ect_d = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
186  nfiles_swt = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
187  tiod = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
188  odir = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
189  mgvswt = (float*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(float));
191  //computation of mean orbital velocity and ground velocity for each swath
192  ptl1c->mov_sd2(&l1cfile, &l1cinput, tcross, fileid, swtdid, nfiles_swt, ect_d, tiod, odir, mgvswt);
194  delete [](tcross);
195  delete [](tiod);
197  num_scans = l1cfile.nscan;
198  num_pixels = l1cfile.npix;
200  time_mgv = (double*)calloc(4000,sizeof(double)); //estimate of number of grids, assuming 4000 gridlines MAX...
202  //compute time at each l1c gridpoint
203  ptl1c->time_swt2(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, ect_d, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, mgvswt, time_mgv);
204  num_gridlines = l1cfile.num_gridlines;
206  cout << "num of gridlines.before interpolation." << num_gridlines << endl;
208  lat_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
209  lon_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
210  lati = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
211  loni = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
212  lati2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
213  loni2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
214  az_gd = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
215  orb_array* velig = new orb_array[num_gridlines]();
217  //first orbit interpolation---(ONLUY NADIR PIXEL ----
218  ptl1c->interp_swt1(swtd, &l1cfile,&l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, time_mgv, velig, lati, loni);
219  //second orbit interpolation---
220  ptl1c->interp_swt_dist3(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, time_mgv, lati, loni, lati2, loni2);
221  ptl1c->across_gridlines_l1c2(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, lati2, loni2, lat_gd, lon_gd, az_gd);
223  for (int i = 0; i < num_gridlines-2; i++)
224  {
225  for (int j = 0; j < l1cfile.nbinx; j++)
226  {
227  if (lon_gd[i][j] < -180.){cout<<"lon_gd[i][j] < -180."<<endl;
228  lon_gd[i][j] += 360.;}
229  if (lon_gd[i][j] > 180.){cout<<"lon_gd[i][j] >180."<<endl;
230  lon_gd[i][j] -= 360.;}
233  }
234  }
237  NY = num_gridlines-2;
238  NX = l1cfile.nbinx;
239  for (int i = 0; i < NY; i++)
240  {
241  for (int j = 0; j < NX; j++)
242  {
243  if (lat_gd[i][j] >= -80.)
244  c1++;
245  if (c1 == l1cfile.nbinx)
246  {
247  NY1 = i;
248  }
249  }
250  if (NY1 >= 0)
251  break;
252  c1 = 1;
253  }
255  for (int i = 0; i < NY; i++)
256  {
257  for (int j = 0; j < NX; j++)
258  {
259  if (lat_gd[i][j] >= 80.)
260  {
261  NY2 = i - 1;
262  }
263  }
265  if (NY2 >= 0)
266  break;
267  }
269  l1cfile.NY1 = NY1;
270  l1cfile.NY2 = NY2;
272  cout << "original # gridlines.." << NY << "NY1.first gdline." << NY1 << "NY2..last gdline" << NY2 << endl;
274  num_gridlines = NY2 - NY1 + 1; //this
275  l1cfile.num_gridlines=num_gridlines;
277  cout << "*********** SORTING LAT/LON GRIDPOINTS AND TRACKING INDEXES ********************" << endl;
278  NY1 = l1cfile.NY1;
279  NY2 = l1cfile.NY2;
281  index_xy = allocate2d_short(l1cfile.num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
282  lat_asort = allocate2d_float(l1cfile.num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
285  for (int col = 0; col < l1cfile.nbinx; col++)
286  {
287  for (int row = NY1; row < NY2 + 1; row++)
288  {
289  vp.push_back(make_pair(lat_gd[row][col] + 90., row));
290  }
291  //sort
292  stable_sort(vp.begin(), vp.end());
295  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vp.size(); i++)
296  {
297  lat_asort[i][col] = vp[i].first;
298  index_xy[i][col] = vp[i].second;
299  }
300  vp.clear();
301  }
303  cout<<"Sorting geo done!!!!!!!!!!!"<<endl;
305  for(int g=0;g<sfiles;g++){
306  lat_cgd = allocate2d_double(l1cfile.num_gridlines+1,l1cfile.nbinx);
307  lon_cgd = allocate2d_double(l1cfile.num_gridlines+1,l1cfile.nbinx);
308  pix_size_u = allocate2d_float(num_scans-1,l1cfile.nbinx-1);
309  pix_size_v = allocate2d_float(num_scans-1,l1cfile.nbinx-1);
310  Ltfracsum = allocate2d_float(l1cfile.num_gridlines,l1cfile.nbinx);
311  areabinsum = allocate2d_float(l1cfile.num_gridlines,l1cfile.nbinx);
312  nobs_perbin = allocate2d_float(l1cfile.num_gridlines,l1cfile.nbinx);
314  fi=l1cfile.selgran[g];
315  str=l1cfile.ifiles[fi-1];
316  ptstr = str.c_str();
317  cout<<"binning filename (NOT LINE-BY-LINE CALLING) =......."<<ptstr<<"selected granules #....."<<fi<<endl;
318  ptl1c->xy_pixsize_sf3(ptstr,&l1cfile,&l1cinput,pix_size_u,pix_size_v,lat_gd,lon_gd,lat_cgd,lon_cgd,Ltfracsum,areabinsum,nobs_perbin,lat_asort,index_xy);
319  cout<<"calling savebinL1C_v2.....producing nc files with area-weighted Lts................filename.=.."<<ptstr<<endl;
320  ptl1c->savebinL1C_v2(swtd,&l1cinput,&l1cfile,lat_gd,lon_gd,Ltfracsum,areabinsum,nobs_perbin);
322  if (lat_cgd != nullptr)
323  delete [](lat_cgd);
324  if (lon_cgd != nullptr)
325  delete [](lon_cgd);
326  if (pix_size_u != nullptr)
327  delete [](pix_size_u);
328  if (pix_size_v != nullptr)
329  delete [](pix_size_v);
330  if (Ltfracsum != nullptr)
331  delete [](Ltfracsum);
332  if (areabinsum != nullptr)
333  delete [](areabinsum);
334  if (nobs_perbin != nullptr)
335  delete [](nobs_perbin);
336  }
338  auto stop1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
339  auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop1 - start);
340  etime = duration.count();
341  etime /= (1000000 * 60);
342  cout << "Total run duration in minutes for aw weighting method = " << etime << endl;
344  if (swtdid != nullptr)
345  delete [](swtdid);
346  if (odir != nullptr)
347  delete [](odir);
348  if (nfiles_swt != nullptr)
349  delete [](nfiles_swt);
350  if (ect_d != nullptr)
351  delete [](ect_d);
352  if (mgvswt != nullptr)
353  delete [](mgvswt);
354  if (time_mgv != nullptr)
355  delete [](time_mgv);
356  if (lati != nullptr)
357  delete [](lati);
358  if (loni != nullptr)
359  delete [](loni);
360  if (lati2 != nullptr)
361  delete [](lati2);
362  if (loni2 != nullptr)
363  delete [](loni2);
364  if (velig != nullptr)
365  delete [](velig);
366  if (lat_asort != nullptr)
367  delete [](lat_asort);
368  if (index_xy != nullptr)
369  delete [](index_xy);
370  if (fileid != nullptr)
371  delete [](fileid);
372  if (lat_gd != nullptr)
373  delete [](lat_gd);
374  if (lon_gd != nullptr)
375  delete [](lon_gd);
376  if (az_gd != nullptr)
377  delete [](az_gd);
378  if (ptl1c != nullptr)
379  delete ptl1c;
381  auto stop2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
382  auto duration2 = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop2 - start);
383  etime = duration2.count();
384  etime /= (1000000 * 60);
386  swtd++;
387  cout<<"done processing options #3..Binning granule based on area-weighting in "<<etime<<"minutes..."<<endl;
388  } //end if l1c_oflag<3
390  //LEGACY OPTION 1 (L1C grid generation)
391  //**********************************************************************************************************************
392  else if (format.type != FT_SPEXONE && format.type != FT_HARP2 && format.type != FT_HARP && l1cfile.l1c_pflag == 1)
393  {
394  size_t sfiles=0;
395  cout << "producing L1C grid......................................................" << endl;
397  nfiles = l1cfile.ifiles.size();
399  try{
400  int result;
401  result=l1cfile.selgran[0];
402  if(result<0){
403  cout << "number of files to be processed..." << l1cfile.ifiles.size() << endl;
404  while(l1cfile.selgran[sfiles]<0 && sfiles<l1cfile.ifiles.size()){
405  l1cfile.selgran[sfiles]=sfiles+1;
406  cout<<"selected granule #..........................."<<l1cfile.selgran[sfiles]<<endl;
407  sfiles++;
408  }}
409  else{
410  throw(result);
411  }}
413  catch(int e){
414  if(e>=0)//process all granules
415  {
416  cout<<"ERROR selgran>=0 ..all granules for the swath are used to produce the L1C grid, not specific ones.."<<"l1cfile.selgran[0]<=0...."<<e<<endl;
417  cout<<"DO NOT USE selgran option with l1c_pflag==1"<<endl;
418  exit(1);
419  }
420  }
422  int16_t c = 0;
423  tcross = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
424  l1cfile.nbinx = 514;
426  for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
427  {
428  str = l1cfile.ifiles[i];
429  ptstr = str.c_str();
431  if (status = ptl1c->ect_sf(ptstr, &l1cfile,&l1cinput) > 1)
432  {
433  printf("-E- %s: status=2 error computing equatorial crossing time%f for file%s.................\n", argv[0], tcross[i], ptstr);
434  exit(1);
435  }
436  tcross[i] = l1cfile.eqt;
437  if (l1cfile.eqt > 0)
438  {
439  c++;
440  }
441  }
442  cout << "number of eq crossings per day..." << c << endl;
443  l1cfile.nswath = c;
445  fileid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles, sizeof(int16_t));
446  swtdid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(int16_t));
447  ect_d = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
448  nfiles_swt = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
449  tiod = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
450  odir = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
451  mgvswt = (float*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(float)); //co
453  ptl1c->mov_sd2(&l1cfile, &l1cinput, tcross, fileid, swtdid, nfiles_swt, ect_d, tiod, odir, mgvswt);
454  if (tcross != nullptr)
455  delete [](tcross);
456  if (tiod != nullptr)
457  delete [](tiod);
458  if (odir != nullptr)
459  delete [](odir);
461  time_mgv = (double*)calloc(4000,sizeof(double)); //estimate of number of grids, assuming 4000 gridlines MAX...
463  ptl1c->time_swt2(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, ect_d, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, mgvswt, time_mgv);
465  if (mgvswt != nullptr)
466  delete [](mgvswt);
467  if (ect_d != nullptr)
468  delete [](ect_d);
470  num_gridlines = l1cfile.num_gridlines;
471  num_scans = l1cfile.nscan;
472  num_pixels = l1cfile.npix;
473  cout << "num of gridlines..before interpolation or (+ 2 lines)...." << num_gridlines << "num_pixels.." << num_pixels << endl;
475  lat_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
476  lon_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
477  lati = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
478  loni = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
479  lati2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
480  loni2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
481  az_gd = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
482  orb_array* velig = new orb_array[num_gridlines]();
484  //first orbit interpolation---
485  ptl1c->interp_swt1(swtd, &l1cfile,&l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, time_mgv, velig, lati, loni);
487  if (velig != nullptr)
488  delete [](velig);
489  //second interpolation
490  ptl1c->interp_swt_dist3(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, time_mgv, lati, loni, lati2, loni2);
492  if (time_mgv != nullptr)
493  delete [](time_mgv);
494  if (lati != nullptr)
495  delete [](lati);
496  if (loni != nullptr)
497  delete [](loni);
499  ptl1c->across_gridlines_l1c2(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, lati2, loni2, lat_gd, lon_gd, az_gd);
501  if (lati2 != nullptr)
502  delete [](lati2);
503  if (loni2 != nullptr)
504  delete [](loni2);
505  if (lat_gd != nullptr)
506  delete [](lat_gd);
507  if (lon_gd != nullptr)
508  delete [](lon_gd);
509  if (az_gd != nullptr)
510  delete [](az_gd);
511  if (fileid != nullptr)
512  delete [](fileid);
513  if (swtdid != nullptr)
514  delete [](swtdid);
515  if (nfiles_swt != nullptr)
516  delete [](nfiles_swt);
517  if (ptl1c != nullptr)
518  delete ptl1c;
520  auto stop1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
521  auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop1 - start);
522  etime = duration.count();
523  etime /= (1000000 * 60);
524  cout<<"done processing options #1..(creating L1C grid) in "<<etime<<"minutes..."<<endl;
525  }
526  //LEGACY OPTION 2 (binning SBS)
527  //**********************************************************************************************************************************************
528  else if (format.type != FT_SPEXONE && format.type != FT_HARP2 && format.type != FT_HARP && l1cfile.l1c_pflag == 2)
529  {
530  short** index_xy=nullptr;
531  float** lat_asort=nullptr,** lat_gd=nullptr, ** lon_gd=nullptr, * az_east=nullptr,****binLt=nullptr;
532  int ****bincount=nullptr;
533  int sfiles=0,fi=0;
535  cout<<"------------------------------SBS method--------------------"<<endl;
536  cout<<"processing legacy sensor..."<<"l1cgen option #...."<<l1cfile.l1c_pflag<<endl;
537  cout << "loading L1C grid and processing L1C granule............................................................................." << endl;
539  nfiles=l1cfile.ifiles.size();
541  try{
542  int result;
543  result=l1cfile.selgran[0];
544  if(result>0){
545  while(l1cfile.selgran[sfiles]>0){
546  cout<<"selected granule #..........................."<<l1cfile.selgran[sfiles]<<endl;
547  sfiles++;
548  }}
549  else{
550  throw(result);
551  }}
552  catch(int e){
553  if(e<0)//process all granules
554  {
555  cout<<"all L1B granules will be processed...."<<nfiles<<endl;
556  cout<<"the number of files must be <=10!!..."<<endl;
557  sfiles=nfiles;
558  for(int j=0;j<sfiles;j++) l1cfile.selgran[j]=j+1; //the number of files must be <=10
559  }
560  if(e==0)//process all granules
561  {
562  cout<<"wrong granule #..."<<e<<"must be >0..."<<endl;
563  exit(1);
564  }
565  }
567  cout<<"number of granules to be processed...."<<sfiles<<endl;
571  l1cfile.nswath = 1;//#of equat crossings
573  swtdid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles , sizeof(int16_t));
574  odir = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath , sizeof(int16_t));
575  fileid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles, sizeof(int16_t));
576  nfiles_swt = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath , sizeof(int16_t));
578  nfiles_swt[0]=nfiles;
579  odir[0]=1;
580  int swtd=1;//swath id
581  swtdid[0]=1;
583  l1cfile.nbinx=514;
584  az_east = (float*)calloc(4000 , sizeof(float));
585  lat_gd = allocate2d_float(4000, l1cfile.nbinx);
586  lon_gd = allocate2d_float(4000, l1cfile.nbinx);
587  index_xy = allocate2d_short(4000, l1cfile.nbinx);
588  lat_asort = allocate2d_float(4000, l1cfile.nbinx);
591  ptl1c->openL1Cgrid(swtd,&l1cstr,&l1cfile,&l1cinput,swtdid,fileid,nfiles_swt,lat_gd,lon_gd,az_east,lat_asort,index_xy);
593  cout<<"OK after sorting latitudes..."<<endl;
594 //granule loop
595  for(int j=0;j<sfiles;j++){
596  fi=l1cfile.selgran[j];
597  l1cfile.l1b_name=l1cfile.ifiles[fi-1];
598  cout<<"binning granule....................................................................................."<<fi<<"filename......................................................#"<<l1cfile.l1b_name<<endl;
600  if(status = l1cstr.openl1b_ocis_l1c(&l1cstr, &l1cfile, fileid)>1){
601  printf("-E- %d: status=2 error opening..L1B file for sensor...............\n", format.type);
602  exit(1);
603  }
605  num_scans = l1cfile.nscan;
607  binLt = allocate4d_float(l1cfile.n_views,l1cfile.nbands,l1cfile.num_gridlines,l1cfile.nbinx);
608  bincount = allocate4d_int(l1cfile.n_views,l1cfile.nbands,l1cfile.num_gridlines,l1cfile.nbinx);
610  for(size_t v=0;v<l1cfile.n_views;v++){
611  for(size_t b=0;b<l1cfile.nbands;b++){
612  for(int gd=0;gd<l1cfile.num_gridlines;gd++){
613  for(int xbin=0;xbin<l1cfile.nbinx;xbin++){
614  binLt[v][b][gd][xbin]=0;
615  bincount[v][b][gd][xbin]=0;
616  }}}}
618  for (sline = 0; sline < num_scans; sline++)
619  {
620  if( status = l1cstr.readl1b_ocis_l1c(&l1cstr, &l1cfile, fileid, sline)>1)
621  {
622  printf("-E- %lu: status=2 error reading line#%d..from L1B file for sensor...............\n", sline,format.type);
623  exit(1);
624  }
625  ptl1c->binL1C_sbs_line(swtd,ptl1c,&l1cstr,&l1cfile,&l1cinput,swtdid,fileid,nfiles_swt,lat_gd,lon_gd,az_east,lat_asort,index_xy,binLt,bincount,sline,fi);
626  if (sline % 100 == 0) cout <<"line #..."<<sline+1<<endl;
627  }//for line
629  if(status=l1cstr.closel1b_ocis_l1c(&l1cstr,&l1cfile)>1)
630  {
631  printf("-E- %d: status=2 error closing L1B file for sensor...............\n",format.type);
632  exit(1);
633  }
634  if(binLt!=nullptr)
635  delete [] (binLt);
636  if(bincount!=nullptr)
637  delete [] (bincount);
638  }
640  if (lat_gd != nullptr)
641  delete[](lat_gd);
642  if (lon_gd != nullptr)
643  delete[](lon_gd);
644  if (az_east != nullptr)
645  delete[](az_east);
646  if (lat_asort != nullptr)
647  delete[](lat_asort);
648  if (index_xy != nullptr)
649  delete[](index_xy);
650  if (ptl1c != nullptr)
651  delete ptl1c;
652  if (fileid != nullptr)
653  delete [](fileid);
654  if (swtdid != nullptr)
655  delete [](swtdid);
656  if (odir != nullptr)
657  delete [](odir);
658  if (nfiles_swt != nullptr)
659  delete [](nfiles_swt);
662  auto stop1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
663  auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop1 - start);
664  etime = duration.count();
665  etime /= (1000000 * 60);
666  cout<<"done processing options #2..(Binning granule using saddleback search processing (LINE-BY-LINE)"<<etime<<"minutes..."<<endl;
667  }
668  //NON-LEGACY SPEXONE OPTION 1 (L1C grid generation)
669  else if (format.type == FT_SPEXONE && l1cfile.l1c_pflag == 1)
670  { //non-legacy sensor
671  printf("create L1C grid for non-legacy sensor SPEXone\n");
672  cout << "number of files to be processed..." << l1cfile.ifiles.size() << endl;
673  nfiles = l1cfile.ifiles.size();
674  tcross = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
676  l1cfile.nbinx = 40;
678  for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
679  {
680  str = l1cfile.ifiles[i];
681  ptstr = str.c_str();
682  cout << ptstr << endl;
684  if (status = ptl1c->ect_sf2(ptstr, &l1cinput,&l1cfile) > 1)
685  {
686  printf("-E- %s: status=2 error computing equatorial crossing time%f for file%s.................\n", argv[0], tcross[i], ptstr);
687  exit(1);
688  }
689  tcross[i] = l1cfile.eqt;
690  if (l1cfile.eqt > 0)
691  {
692  c++;
693  cout<<"equat crossing time..."<<l1cfile.eqt<<" for file#.."<<i+1<<endl;
694  }
695  }
696  cout << "number of eq crossings per day..." << c << endl;
697  l1cfile.nswath = c;
699  fileid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles, sizeof(int16_t));
700  swtdid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(int16_t));
701  ect_d = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
702  nfiles_swt = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
703  tiod = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
704  odir = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
705  mgvswt = (float*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(float));
707  ptl1c->mov_sd3(&l1cfile, &l1cinput, tcross, fileid, swtdid, nfiles_swt, ect_d, tiod, odir, mgvswt);
708  if (tcross != nullptr)
709  delete [](tcross);
710  if (tiod != nullptr)
711  delete [](tiod);
712  if (odir != nullptr)
713  delete [](odir);
715  time_mgv = (double*)calloc(4000,sizeof(double));
717  ptl1c->time_swt2(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, ect_d, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, mgvswt, time_mgv);
719  if (mgvswt != nullptr)
720  delete [](mgvswt);
721  if (ect_d != nullptr)
722  delete [](ect_d);
724  num_gridlines = l1cfile.num_gridlines;
725  num_scans = l1cfile.nscan;
726  num_pixels = l1cfile.npix;
727  cout << "num of gridlines.." << num_gridlines << "num_pixels.." << num_pixels << endl;
729  lat_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
730  lon_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
731  lati = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
732  loni = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
733  lati2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
734  loni2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
735  az_gd = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
736  orb_array* velig = new orb_array[num_gridlines]();
738  //first orbit interpolation---
739  ptl1c->interp_swt1(swtd, &l1cfile,&l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, time_mgv, velig, lati, loni);
740  if (velig != nullptr)
741  delete [](velig);
742  //second orbit interpolation---
743  ptl1c->interp_swt_dist3(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, time_mgv, lati, loni, lati2, loni2);
745  if (time_mgv != nullptr)
746  delete [](time_mgv);
747  if (lati != nullptr)
748  delete [](lati);
749  if (loni != nullptr)
750  delete [](loni);
752  ptl1c->across_gridlines_l1c2(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, lati2, loni2, lat_gd, lon_gd, az_gd);
754  if (lati2 != nullptr)
755  delete [](lati2);
756  if (loni2 != nullptr)
757  delete [](loni2);
758  if (lat_gd != nullptr)
759  delete [](lat_gd);
760  if (lon_gd != nullptr)
761  delete [](lon_gd);
762  if (az_gd != nullptr)
763  delete [](az_gd);
764  if (fileid != nullptr)
765  delete [](fileid);
766  if (swtdid != nullptr)
767  delete [](swtdid);
768  if (nfiles_swt != nullptr)
769  delete [](nfiles_swt);
770  if (ptl1c != nullptr)
771  delete ptl1c;
772  }
774  else if (format.type == FT_SPEXONE && l1cfile.l1c_pflag == 2)
775  {
776  printf("binning Lt using L1C grid for SPEXone\n");
777  cout << "number of files to be processed..." << l1cfile.ifiles.size() << endl;
779  nfiles = l1cfile.ifiles.size();
780  tcross = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
781  l1cfile.nbinx = 40;
783  for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
784  {
785  str = l1cfile.ifiles[i];
786  ptstr = str.c_str();
787  cout << ptstr << endl;
789  if (status = ptl1c->ect_sf2(ptstr, &l1cinput,&l1cfile) > 1)
790  {
791  printf("-E- %s: status=2 error computing equatorial crossing time%f for file%s.................\n", argv[0], tcross[i], ptstr);
792  exit(1);
793  }
794  tcross[i] = l1cfile.eqt;
795  if (l1cfile.eqt > 0)
796  {
797  c++;
798  cout<<"equat crossing time..."<<l1cfile.eqt<<" for file#.."<<i+1<<endl;
799  }
800  }
801  cout << "number of eq crossings per day..." << c << endl;
802  l1cfile.nswath = c;
804  fileid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles, sizeof(int16_t));
805  swtdid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(int16_t));
806  ect_d = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
807  nfiles_swt = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
808  tiod = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
809  odir = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
810  mgvswt = (float*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(float));
812  ptl1c->mov_sd4(&l1cfile, &l1cinput, tcross, fileid, swtdid, nfiles_swt, ect_d, tiod, odir, mgvswt);
814  if (tcross != nullptr)
815  delete [](tcross);
816  if (tiod != nullptr)
817  delete [](tiod);
818  if (odir != nullptr)
819  delete [](odir);
821  time_mgv = (double*)calloc(4000,sizeof(double));
823  if (mgvswt != nullptr)
824  delete [](mgvswt);
825  if (ect_d != nullptr)
826  delete [](ect_d);
828  num_gridlines=4000;//first guest
829  num_scans = l1cfile.nscan;
830  num_pixels = l1cfile.npix;
831  cout << "num of gridlines.." << num_gridlines << "num_pixels.." << num_pixels << endl;
833  lat_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
834  lon_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
835  lati = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
836  loni = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
837  lati2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
838  loni2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
839  az_gd = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
841  if (time_mgv != nullptr)
842  delete [](time_mgv);
843  if (lati != nullptr)
844  delete [](lati);
845  if (loni != nullptr)
846  delete [](loni);
848  ptl1c->binL1C_wgranule6(swtd,&l1cfile,&l1cinput,swtdid,odir,fileid,nfiles_swt);
850  auto stop1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
851  auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop1 - start);
852  etime = duration.count();
853  etime /= (1000000 * 60);
854  cout << "Run duration in minutes after saddleback search binning "<<etime<< endl;
856  if (lati2 != nullptr)
857  delete [](lati2);
858  if (loni2 != nullptr)
859  delete [](loni2);
860  if (lat_gd != nullptr)
861  delete [](lat_gd);
862  if (lon_gd != nullptr)
863  delete [](lon_gd);
864  if (az_gd != nullptr)
865  delete [](az_gd);
866  if (fileid != nullptr)
867  delete [](fileid);
868  if (swtdid != nullptr)
869  delete [](swtdid);
870  if (nfiles_swt != nullptr)
871  delete [](nfiles_swt);
873  if (ptl1c != nullptr)
874  delete ptl1c;
875  }
877  //NON-LEGACY HARP OPTION 1 (L1C grid generation)
878  else if (format.type == FT_HARP && l1cfile.l1c_pflag == 1){
879  printf("create L1C grid for non-legacy sensor HARP");
880  cout << "number of files to be processed..." << l1cfile.ifiles.size() << endl;
882  nfiles = l1cfile.ifiles.size();
883  tcross = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
885  l1cfile.nbinx = 600;
887  for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
888  {
889  str = l1cfile.ifiles[i];
890  ptstr = str.c_str();
891  cout << ptstr << endl;
892  if (status = ptl1c->ect_sf2(ptstr, &l1cinput,&l1cfile) > 1)
893  {
894  printf("-E- %s: status=2 error computing equatorial crossing time%f for file%s.................\n", argv[0], tcross[i], ptstr);
895  exit(1);
896  }
897  tcross[i] = l1cfile.eqt;
898  if (l1cfile.eqt > 0)
899  {
900  c++;
901  }
903  }
905  cout << "number of eq crossings per day..." << c << endl;
906  l1cfile.nswath = c;
908  fileid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(int16_t));
909  swtdid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(int16_t));
910  nfiles_swt = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
911  ect_d = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
912  tiod = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
913  odir = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
914  mgvswt = (float*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(float));
916  ptl1c->mov_sd3(&l1cfile, &l1cinput, tcross, fileid, swtdid, nfiles_swt, ect_d, tiod, odir, mgvswt);
918  time_mgv = (double*)calloc(4000,sizeof(double));
919  ptl1c->time_swt3(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, ect_d, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, mgvswt, time_mgv);
921  if (mgvswt != nullptr)
922  delete [](mgvswt);
923  if (ect_d != nullptr)
924  delete [](ect_d);
926  num_gridlines = l1cfile.num_gridlines;
927  num_scans = l1cfile.nscan;
928  num_pixels = l1cfile.npix;
929  cout << "num of gridlines.." << num_gridlines << "num_pixels.." << num_pixels << endl;
931  lat_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
932  lon_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
933  lati = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
934  loni = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
935  lati2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
936  loni2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
937  az_gd = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
938  orb_array* velig = new orb_array[num_gridlines]();
940  ptl1c->interp_swt1(swtd, &l1cfile,&l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, time_mgv, velig, lati, loni);
941  if (velig != nullptr)
942  delete [](velig);
944  ptl1c->interp_swt_dist3(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, time_mgv, lati, loni, lati2, loni2);
946  if (time_mgv != nullptr)
947  delete [](time_mgv);
948  if (lati != nullptr)
949  delete [](lati);
950  if (loni != nullptr)
951  delete [](loni);
953  ptl1c->across_gridlines_l1c2(swtd, &l1cfile, &l1cinput, swtdid, fileid, nfiles_swt, lati2, loni2, lat_gd, lon_gd, az_gd);
955  if (lati2 != nullptr)
956  delete [](lati2);
957  if (loni2 != nullptr)
958  delete [](loni2);
959  if (lat_gd != nullptr)
960  delete [](lat_gd);
961  if (lon_gd != nullptr)
962  delete [](lon_gd);
963  if (az_gd != nullptr)
964  delete [](az_gd);
965  if (ptl1c != nullptr)
966  delete ptl1c;
967  if (fileid != nullptr)
968  delete [] (fileid);
969  if (swtdid != nullptr)
970  delete [] (swtdid);
971  if (nfiles_swt != nullptr)
972  delete [] (nfiles_swt);
973  if (ect_d != nullptr)
974  delete [] (ect_d);
975  if (tiod != nullptr)
976  delete [] (tiod);
977  if (odir != nullptr)
978  delete [] (odir);
979  if (mgvswt != nullptr)
980  delete [] (mgvswt);
981  }
982  //NON-LEGACY HARP OPTION 2 (SBS binning)
983  else if (format.type == FT_HARP && l1cfile.l1c_pflag == 2){
984  printf("binning Lt using L1C grid for HARP\n");
985  cout << "number of files to be processed..." << l1cfile.ifiles.size() << endl;
987  nfiles = l1cfile.ifiles.size();
988  tcross = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
990  // l1cfile.nbinx = 600;
991  l1cfile.nbinx = 514;
994  for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
995  {
996  str = l1cfile.ifiles[i];
997  ptstr = str.c_str();
998  cout << ptstr << endl;
999  }
1000  c=1;
1001  cout << "number of eq crossings per day..." << c << endl;
1002  l1cfile.nswath = c;
1004  fileid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles, sizeof(int16_t));
1005  swtdid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(int16_t));
1006  ect_d = (double*)calloc(nfiles,sizeof(double));
1007  nfiles_swt = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
1008  tiod = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
1009  odir = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(int16_t));
1010  mgvswt = (float*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath,sizeof(float));
1012  if (tcross != nullptr)
1013  delete [](tcross);
1014  if (tiod != nullptr)
1015  delete [](tiod);
1016  if (odir != nullptr)
1017  delete [](odir);
1018  if (mgvswt != nullptr)
1019  delete [](mgvswt);
1020  if (ect_d != nullptr)
1021  delete [](ect_d);
1023  num_gridlines=4000;//max number of gridlines , not computed or restricted
1025  lat_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
1026  lon_gd = allocate2d_float(num_gridlines, l1cfile.nbinx);
1027  lati = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
1028  loni = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
1029  lati2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
1030  loni2 = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
1031  az_gd = (float*)calloc(num_gridlines,sizeof(float));
1033  if (time_mgv != nullptr)
1034  delete [](time_mgv);
1035  if (lati != nullptr)
1036  delete [](lati);
1037  if (loni != nullptr)
1038  delete [](loni);
1040  swtdid[0]=1;
1041  ptl1c->binL1C_wgranule7(swtd,&l1cfile,&l1cinput,swtdid,odir,fileid,nfiles_swt);//sbs2
1043  auto stop1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
1044  auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop1 - start);
1045  etime = duration.count();
1046  etime /= (1000000 * 60);
1047  cout << "Run duration in minutes after saddleback search binning "<<etime<< endl;
1049  if (lati2 != nullptr)
1050  delete [](lati2);
1051  if (loni2 != nullptr)
1052  delete [](loni2);
1053  if (lat_gd != nullptr)
1054  delete [](lat_gd);
1055  if (lon_gd != nullptr)
1056  delete [](lon_gd);
1057  if (az_gd != nullptr)
1058  delete [](az_gd);
1059  if (fileid != nullptr)
1060  delete [](fileid);
1061  if (swtdid != nullptr)
1062  delete [](swtdid);
1063  if (nfiles_swt != nullptr)
1064  delete [](nfiles_swt);
1066  if (ptl1c != nullptr)
1067  delete ptl1c;
1068  }
1069  //----- READING L2 FILES ---READING WITH SDS --------------------------------------------------------------
1070  //**********************************************************************************************************-
1071  else if (l1cfile.l1c_pflag == 4){
1072  short** index_xy=nullptr;
1073  float** lat_asort=nullptr,** lat_gd=nullptr, ** lon_gd=nullptr, * az_east=nullptr,****binprod=nullptr;
1074  int ****bincount=nullptr;
1075  int sfiles=0,fi=0;
1077  cout<<"processing L2 file to L1C ----------"<<endl;
1078  cout<<"SDS binning products........"<<l1cinput.l2prod<<endl;
1080  cout<<"------------------------------SBS method--------------------"<<endl;
1081  cout<<"processing legacy sensor..."<<"l1cgen option #...."<<l1cfile.l1c_pflag<<endl;
1082  cout << "loading L1C grid and processing L2 file to L1C granule............................................................................." << endl;
1084  nfiles=l1cfile.ifiles.size();
1086  try{
1087  int result;
1088  result=l1cfile.selgran[0];
1089  if(result>0){
1090  while(l1cfile.selgran[sfiles]>0){
1091  cout<<"selected granule #..........................."<<l1cfile.selgran[sfiles]<<endl;
1092  sfiles++;
1093  }}
1094  else{
1095  throw(result);
1096  }}
1097  catch(int e){
1098  if(e<0)//process all granules
1099  {
1100  cout<<"all L2 granules will be processed...."<<nfiles<<endl;
1101  sfiles=nfiles;
1102  }
1103  if(e==0)//process all granules
1104  {
1105  cout<<"wrong granule #..."<<e<<"must be >0..."<<endl;
1106  exit(1);
1107  }
1108  }
1110  cout<<"number of granules to be processed...."<<sfiles<<endl;
1114  l1cfile.nswath = 1;//#of equat crossings
1116  swtdid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles , sizeof(int16_t));
1117  odir = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath , sizeof(int16_t));
1118  fileid = (int16_t*)calloc(nfiles, sizeof(int16_t));
1119  nfiles_swt = (int16_t*)calloc(l1cfile.nswath , sizeof(int16_t));
1121  nfiles_swt[0]=nfiles;
1122  int swtd=1;//swath id
1123  swtdid[0]=1;
1124  odir[0]=1;
1126  l1cfile.nbinx=514;
1128  az_east = (float*)calloc(4000 , sizeof(float));
1129  lat_gd = allocate2d_float(4000, l1cfile.nbinx);
1130  lon_gd = allocate2d_float(4000, l1cfile.nbinx);
1131  index_xy = allocate2d_short(4000, l1cfile.nbinx);
1132  lat_asort = allocate2d_float(4000, l1cfile.nbinx);
1135  ptl1c->openL1Cgrid(swtd,&l1cstr,&l1cfile,&l1cinput,swtdid,fileid,nfiles_swt,lat_gd,lon_gd,az_east,lat_asort,index_xy);
1137 //granule loop
1139  for(int j=0;j<sfiles;j++){
1140  l1cfile.l1b_name=l1cfile.ifiles[0];
1141  cout<<"binning filename......................................................................................#"<<l1cfile.l1b_name<<endl;
1143  if(status = l2str.openl2_ocis_l1c(&l1cinput,&l2str,&l1cfile,fileid)>1){
1144  printf("-E- %d: status=2 error opening..L2B file for sensor...............\n", format.type);
1145  exit(1);
1146  }
1148  num_scans = l1cfile.nscan;
1150  binprod = allocate4d_float(l1cfile.n_views,l2str.nl2prod,l1cfile.num_gridlines,l1cfile.nbinx);
1151  bincount = allocate4d_int(l1cfile.n_views,l2str.nl2prod,l1cfile.num_gridlines,l1cfile.nbinx);
1154  for(size_t v=0;v<l1cfile.n_views;v++){
1155  for(size_t p=0;p<l2str.nl2prod;p++){
1156  for(int gd=0;gd<l1cfile.num_gridlines;gd++){
1157  for(int xbin=0;xbin<l1cfile.nbinx;xbin++){
1158  binprod[v][p][gd][xbin]=0.0;
1159  bincount[v][p][gd][xbin]=0.0;
1160  }}}}
1163  cout<<"number of views.."<<l1cfile.n_views<<"number of products.."<<l2str.nl2prod<<"#gridlines.."<<l1cfile.num_gridlines<<"number of xbins.."<<l1cfile.nbinx<<endl;
1166  for (sline = 0; sline < num_scans; sline++)
1167  {
1168  if( status = l2str.readl2_ocis_l1c(&l2str, &l1cfile, fileid, sline)>1)
1169  {
1170  printf("-E- %lu: status=2 error reading line#%d..from L2 file for sensor...............\n", sline,format.type);
1171  exit(1);
1172  }
1173  ptl1c->binL1C_sbs_line_l2(swtd,ptl1c,&l2str,&l1cfile,&l1cinput,swtdid,fileid,nfiles_swt,lat_gd,lon_gd,az_east,lat_asort,index_xy,binprod,bincount,sline,fi);
1174  if (sline % 100 == 0) cout <<"line #..."<<sline+1<<endl;
1175  }
1177  if(status=l2str.closel2_ocis_l1c(&l2str,&l1cfile)>1)
1178  {
1179  printf("-E- %d: status=2 error closing L2 file for sensor...............\n",format.type);
1180  exit(1);
1181  }
1182  if(binprod!=nullptr)
1183  delete [] (binprod);
1184  if(bincount!=nullptr)
1185  delete [] (bincount);
1186  }
1188  if (lat_gd != nullptr)
1189  delete[](lat_gd);
1190  if (lon_gd != nullptr)
1191  delete[](lon_gd);
1192  if (az_east != nullptr)
1193  delete[](az_east);
1194  if (lat_asort != nullptr)
1195  delete[](lat_asort);
1196  if (index_xy != nullptr)
1197  delete[](index_xy);
1198  if (ptl1c != nullptr)
1199  delete ptl1c;
1200  if (fileid != nullptr)
1201  delete [](fileid);
1202  if (swtdid != nullptr)
1203  delete [](swtdid);
1204  if (odir != nullptr)
1205  delete [](odir);
1206  if (nfiles_swt != nullptr)
1207  delete [](nfiles_swt);
1209  auto stop1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
1210  auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop1 - start);
1211  etime = duration.count();
1212  etime /= (1000000 * 60);
1213  cout<<"done processing options #4..(Binning L2 file using saddleback search processing "<<etime<<"minutes..."<<endl;
1215  }
1216  //----- READING L2 FILES ---READING WITH SDS --------------------------------------------------------------
1217  //**********************************************************************************************************-
1218  else if (l1cfile.l1c_pflag == 5){
1219  cout<<"Reading telemetry from L1A files..--> SOCEA -- L1C grid.."<<endl;
1221  if(status = ptl1c->open_l1atol1c(&l1cinput,&l1cfile)>1){
1222  printf("-E- %d: status=2 error opening..L1A file for sensor...............\n", format.type);
1223  exit(1);
1224  }
1226  if (ptl1c != nullptr)
1227  delete ptl1c;
1229  auto stop1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
1230  auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop1 - start);
1231  etime = duration.count();
1232  etime /= (1000000 * 60);
1233  cout<<"done processing options #5..(creating SOCEA L1C common grid from telemetry "<<etime<<"minutes..."<<endl;
1234  }
1236  } //end ft diff of invalid
1237  else
1238  {
1239  printf("-E- %s: Error opening %s for reading unknown sensor...................\n", argv[0], l1cfile.l1b_name.c_str());
1240  return (1);
1241  }
1243  return (0);
1244 }
virtual int32_t readl1b_ocis_l1c(l1c_str *l1cstr, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, int16_t *file_id, int32_t recnum)
Definition: l1c_str.cpp:413
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: l1cgen.cpp:33
virtual int32_t time_swt2(int swtd, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, double *ect_d, int16_t *swtdid, int16_t *fileid, int16_t *nfiles_swt, float *mgv_swt, double *time_mgv)
Definition: l1c.cpp:22621
virtual int32_t savebinL1C_v2(int swtd, L1C_input *l1cinput, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, float **lat_gd, float **lon_gd, float **Ltfracsum, float **areafracsum, float **nobs_perbin)
Definition: l1c.cpp:2388
Utility functions for allocating and freeing three-dimensional arrays of various types.
#define NX
Definition: main_biosmap.c:51
int j
Definition: decode_rs.h:73
virtual int32_t binL1C_sbs_line_l2(int swtd, L1C *l1c, l2_str *l2str, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt, float **lat_gd, float **lon_gd, float *az_east, float **lat_asort, short **index_xy, float ****binmean_prod, int ****bincount, size_t sline, int granid)
Definition: l1c.cpp:5893
int status
Definition: l1_czcs_hdf.c:32
virtual int32_t binL1C_sbs_line(int swtd, L1C *l1c, l1c_str *l1cstr, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt, float **lat_gd, float **lon_gd, float *az_east, float **lat_asort, short **index_xy, float ****binLt, int ****bincount, size_t recnums, int granid)
Definition: l1c.cpp:6374
float **** allocate4d_float(size_t nr, size_t nz, size_t ny, size_t nx)
Allocate a four-dimensional array of type float of a given size.
Definition: allocate4d.c:56
Definition: filetype.h:62
float orb_array[3]
virtual int32_t ect_sf2(const char *filename, L1C_input *l1cinput, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile)
Definition: l1c.cpp:23904
char l2prod[2048]
Definition: l1c_input.h:42
std::string l1b_name
size_t nl2prod
Definition: l2_str.h:56
virtual int32_t xy_pixsize_sf3(const char *filename, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, float **pix_size_u, float **pix_size_v, float **lat_gd, float **lon_gd, double **lat_cgd, double **lon_cgd, float **Ltfracsum, float **areabinsum, float **nobs_perbin, float **lat_asort, short **index_xy)
Definition: l1c.cpp:16258
virtual int32_t open_l1atol1c(L1C_input *l1cinput, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile)
Definition: l1c.cpp:560
Definition: l1cgen.cpp:28
virtual int32_t closel2_ocis_l1c(l2_str *l2str, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile)
Definition: l2_str.cpp:371
int **** allocate4d_int(size_t nr, size_t nz, size_t ny, size_t nx)
Allocate a four-dimensional array of type int of a given size.
Definition: allocate4d.c:12
@ string
virtual int32_t l1c_inputmain(int argc, char **argv, L1C_input *l1cinput, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, const char *prog, const char *version)
Definition: l1c_input.cpp:701
virtual int32_t openl1b_ocis_l1c(l1c_str *l1cstr, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, int16_t *file_id)
Definition: l1c_str.cpp:156
virtual int32_t openl2_ocis_l1c(L1C_input *l1cinput, l2_str *l2str, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, int16_t *file_id)
Definition: l2_str.cpp:115
Definition: l1c.h:43
virtual int32_t ect_sf(const char *filename, l1c_filehandle *l1cfilei, L1C_input *l1cinput)
Definition: l1c.cpp:24279
Utility functions for allocating and freeing four-dimensional arrays of various types.
file_format getFormat(char *filename)
Definition: filetype.c:192
virtual int32_t readl2_ocis_l1c(l2_str *l2str, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, int16_t *file_id, int32_t recnum)
Definition: l2_str.cpp:333
virtual int32_t across_gridlines_l1c2(int swtd, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt, float *lati3, float *loni3, float **lat_cgd, float **lon_cgd, float *az_east)
Definition: l1c.cpp:20351
virtual int32_t binL1C_wgranule6(int swtd, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *odir, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt)
Definition: l1c.cpp:11035
virtual int32_t binL1C_wgranule7(int swtd, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *odir, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt)
Definition: l1c.cpp:9682
virtual int32_t interp_swt1(int swtd, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt, double *time_mgv, orb_array *velig, float *lati, float *loni)
Definition: l1c.cpp:22262
Definition: l1c.cpp:76
virtual int32_t closel1b_ocis_l1c(l1c_str *l1cstr, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile)
Definition: l1c_str.cpp:481
#define VERSION
Definition: l1cgen.cpp:29
Utility functions for allocating and freeing two-dimensional arrays of various types.
Definition: filetype.h:60
std::vector< std::string > files
Definition: l1c_input.h:70
virtual int32_t interp_swt_dist3(int swtd, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt, double *time_mgv, float *lati, float *loni, float *lati2, float *loni2)
Definition: l1c.cpp:21975
data_t b[NROOTS+1]
Definition: decode_rs.h:77
#define NY
Definition: main_biosmap.c:52
const char * str
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:35
Definition: filetype.h:61
virtual int32_t load_l1c_filehandle4(l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput)
Definition: l1c.cpp:24585
u5 which has been done in the LOCALGRANULEID metadata should have an extension NRT It is requested to identify the NRT production Changes from v6 which may affect scientific the sector rotation may actually occur during one of the scans earlier than the one where it is first reported As a the b1 values are about the LOCALGRANULEID metadata should have an extension NRT It is requested to identify the NRT to fill pixels affected by dead subframes with a special value Output the metadata of noisy and dead subframe Dead Subframe EV and Detector Quality Flag2 Removed the function call of Fill_Dead_Detector_SI to stop interpolating SI values for dead but also for all downstream products for science test only Changes from v5 which will affect scientific to conform to MODIS requirements Removed the Mixed option from the ScanType in the code because the L1A Scan Type is never Mixed Changed for ANSI C compliance and comments to better document the fact that when the HDF_EOS metadata is stricly the and products are off by and in the track respectively Corrected some misspelling of RCS swir_oob_sending_detector to the Reflective LUTs to enable the SWIR OOB correction detector so that if any of the sending detectors becomes noisy or non near by good detectors from the same sending band can be specified as the substitute in the new look up table Code change for adding an additional dimension of mirror side to the Band_21_b1 LUT to separate the coefficient of the two mirror sides for just like other thermal emissive so that the L1B code can calibrate Band scan to scan with mirror side dependency which leads better calibration result Changes which do not affect scientific when the EV data are not provided in this Crosstalk Correction will not be performed to the Band calibration data Changes which do not affect scientific and BB_500m in L1A Logic was added to turn off the or to spatial aggregation processes and the EV_250m_Aggr1km_RefSB and EV_500m_Aggr1km_RefSB fields were set to fill values when SDSs EV_250m and EV_500m are absent in L1A file Logic was added to skip the processing and turn off the output of the L1B QKM and HKM EV data when EV_250m and EV_500m are absent from L1A In this the new process avoids accessing and reading the and L1A EV skips and writing to the L1B and EV omits reading and subsampling SDSs from geolocation file and writing them to the L1B and omits writing metadata to L1B and EV and skips closing the L1A and L1B EV and SDSs Logic was added to turn off the L1B OBC output when the high resolution OBC SDSs are absent from L1A This is accomplished by skipping the openning the writing of metadata and the closing of the L1B OBC hdf which is Bit in the scan by scan bit QA has been changed Until now
Definition: HISTORY.txt:361
Definition: filetype.h:12
double ** allocate2d_double(size_t h, size_t w)
Allocate a two-dimensional array of type double of a given size.
Definition: allocate2d.c:153
virtual int32_t mov_sd4(l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, double *tcross, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt, double *ect_swtd, int16_t *tod, int16_t *orbdir, float *mgv_swath)
Definition: l1c.cpp:23256
virtual int32_t openL1Cgrid(int swtd, l1c_str *l1cstr, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt, float **lat_gd, float **lon_gd, float *az_east, float **lat_asort, short **index_xy)
Definition: l1c.cpp:5655
virtual int32_t time_swt3(int swtd, l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, double *ect_d, int16_t *swtdid, int16_t *fileid, int16_t *nfiles_swt, float *mgv_swt, double *time_mgv)
Definition: l1c.cpp:22497
short ** allocate2d_short(size_t h, size_t w)
Allocate a two-dimensional array of type short of a given size.
Definition: allocate2d.c:97
float ** allocate2d_float(size_t h, size_t w)
Allocate a two-dimensional array of type float of a given size.
Definition: allocate2d.c:125
no change in intended resolving MODur00064 Corrected handling of bad ephemeris attitude resolving resolving GSFcd00179 Corrected handling of fill values for[Sensor|Solar][Zenith|Azimuth] resolving MODxl01751 Changed to validate LUT version against a value retrieved from the resolving MODxl02056 Changed to calculate Solar Diffuser angles without adjustment for estimated post launch changes in the MODIS orientation relative to incidentally resolving defects MODxl01766 Also resolves MODxl01947 Changed to ignore fill values in SCI_ABNORM and SCI_STATE rather than treating them as resolving MODxl01780 Changed to use spacecraft ancillary data to recognise when the mirror encoder data is being set by side A or side B and to change calculations accordingly This removes the need for seperate LUTs for Side A and Side B data it makes the new LUTs incompatible with older versions of the and vice versa Also resolves MODxl01685 A more robust GRing algorithm is being which will create a non default GRing anytime there s even a single geolocated pixel in a granule Removed obsolete messages from seed as required for compatibility with version of the SDP toolkit Corrected test output file names to end in per delivery and then split off a new MYD_PR03 pcf file for Aqua Added AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor to the inventory metadata in MOD01 mcf and MOD03 mcf Created new versions named MYD01 mcf and MYD03 where AssociatedPlatformShortName is rather than Terra The program itself has been changed to read the Satellite Instrument validate it against the input L1A and LUT and to use it determine the correct files to retrieve the ephemeris and attitude data from Changed to produce a LocalGranuleID starting with MYD03 if run on Aqua data Added the Scan Type file attribute to the Geolocation copied from the L1A and attitude_angels to radians rather than degrees The accumulation of Cumulated gflags was moved from GEO_validate_earth_location c to GEO_locate_one_scan c
Definition: HISTORY.txt:464
virtual int32_t l1c_usage(const char *prog, const char *version)
Definition: l1c_input.cpp:98
int i
Definition: decode_rs.h:71
std::vector< std::string > ifiles
float p[MODELMAX]
Definition: atrem_corl1.h:131
virtual int32_t mov_sd2(l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, double *tcross, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt, double *ect_swtd, int16_t *tod, int16_t *orbdir, float *mgv_swath)
Definition: l1c.cpp:23582
virtual int32_t mov_sd3(l1c_filehandle *l1cfile, L1C_input *l1cinput, double *tcross, int16_t *file_id, int16_t *swtd_id, int16_t *nfiles_swt, double *ect_swtd, int16_t *tod, int16_t *orbdir, float *mgv_swath)
Definition: l1c.cpp:22745