Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
l2brsgen.h File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "hdf.h"
#include "mfhdf.h"
#include "usrmac.h"
#include <clo.h>
#include <readL2scan.h>
#include <get_product_table.h>
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#define VERSION   "2.0"
#define IOERR   -1
#define RDERR   -2
#define MEMERR   -3
#define MAXVAL   255
#define CHL_START   (l2_data + 8*nsamp)
#define CHL_END   (l2_data + 9*nsamp)
#define LAT_START   (l2_str.latitude)
#define LAT_END   (l2_str.latitude + max_samp_used+1)
#define LON_START   (l2_str.longitude)
#define LON_END   (l2_str.longitude + max_samp_used+1)
#define MAXTILTS   20
#define NFLAGS   16
#define MSECHOUR   3600000
#define MSECMIN   60000
#define MSECSEC   1000
#define LONGNAME   "long_name"
#define RANGE   "valid_range"
#define L2B_PNAME   "Product Name"
#define L2B_TITLE   "Title"
#define LEGEND   "Legend"
#define TITLE_VAL   " Level-2 Browse Data"
#define DCENTER   "Data Center"
#define DCENTER_VAL   "NASA/GSFC SeaWiFS Data Processing Center"
#define L2BRS_MISSION   "Mission"
#define MSNCHAR   "Mission Characteristics"
#define SENSOR_NAME   "Sensor Name"
#define SENSOR   "Sensor"
#define SNSCHAR   "Sensor Characteristics"
#define REPLACES   "Replacement Flag"
#define SOFTID   "Software ID"
#define SOFTID_VAL   "?????"
#define SOFT_NAME   "Software Name"
#define SOFT_VER   "Software Version"
#define PTIME   "Processing Time"
#define L2BRS_INFILES   "Input Files"
#define PROC_CON   "Processing Control"
#define PROC_LOG   "Processing Log"
#define PINFILES   "Parent Input Files"
#define PPNAME   "Parent Product Name"
#define DTYPE   "Data Type"
#define NSAMP   "Parent Pixels per Scan Line"
#define NREC   "Parent Number of Scan Lines"
#define SNCNTR   "Scene Center Scan Line"
#define NFREC   "Filled Scan Lines"
#define FFLAG1   "FF Missing Frames"
#define FFLAG2   "SDPS Missing Frames"
#define L2BRS_PCTFLAG   "Flag Percentages"
#define STIME   "Start Time"
#define END_TIME   "End Time"
#define CTIME   "Scene Center Time"
#define NTIME   "Node Crossing Time"
#define SYEAR   "Start Year"
#define SDAY   "Start Day"
#define SMSEC   "Start Millisec"
#define EYEAR   "End Year"
#define EDAY   "End Day"
#define EMSEC   "End Millisec"
#define SNODE   "Start Node"
#define ENODE   "End Node"
#define ORBNUM   "Orbit Number"
#define NORAD1   "NORAD Line 1"
#define NORAD2   "NORAD Line 2"
#define LATUNITS   "Latitude Units"
#define LATUNITS_VAL   "degrees North"
#define LONUNITS   "Longitude Units"
#define LONUNITS_VAL   "degrees East"
#define CLAT   "Scene Center Latitude"
#define CLON   "Scene Center Longitude"
#define SCSOL_Z   "Scene Center Solar Zenith"
#define ULLAT   "Upper Left Latitude"
#define ULLON   "Upper Left Longitude"
#define URLAT   "Upper Right Latitude"
#define URLON   "Upper Right Longitude"
#define LLLAT   "Lower Left Latitude"
#define LLLON   "Lower Left Longitude"
#define LRLAT   "Lower Right Latitude"
#define LRLON   "Lower Right Longitude"
#define NLAT   "Northernmost Latitude"
#define SLAT   "Southernmost Latitude"
#define WLON   "Westernmost Longitude"
#define ELON   "Easternmost Longitude"
#define STCLAT   "Start Center Latitude"
#define STCLON   "Start Center Longitude"
#define ENDCLAT   "End Center Latitude"
#define ENDCLON   "End Center Longitude"
#define NODEL   "Orbit Node Longitude"
#define PARAM   "Parameter"
#define PARAM_VAL   "Chlorophyll a concentration"
#define UNITS   "Units"
#define UNITS_VAL   "mg m^-3"
#define PX_START   "Start Pixel"
#define PX_END   "End Pixel"
#define LAC_PX_ST   "LAC Pixel Start Number"
#define PX_SUBSAMP   "Pixel Subsampling Rate"
#define LAC_PX_SUBSAMP   "LAC Pixel Subsampling"
#define PX_NUM   "Pixels per Scan Line"
#define SC_START   "Start Scan"
#define SC_END   "End Scan"
#define SC_SUBSAMP   "Scan Subsampling Rate"
#define SC_NUM   "Number of Scan Lines"
#define PX_LL_NUM   "Pixel Coordinates"
#define SC_LL_NUM   "Scan Coordinates"
#define SC_TYPE   "Scaling"
#define SC_TY_VAL   "logarithmic"
#define SC_EQN   "Scaling Equation"
#define SC_EQN_VAL   "Base**((Slope*brs_data) + Intercept) = chlorophyll a"
#define BASE   "Base"
#define BASE_VAL   10.0
#define SLOPE   "Slope"
#define SLOPE_VAL   0.015
#define INTERCEPT   "Intercept"
#define INTERCEPT_VAL   -2.0
#define SCALE_OFF   "Scale Offset"
#define PX_LL_FIRST   "px_ll_first"
#define PX_LL_FST_ATTR   "Lat/lon of pixels along first scan line"
#define PX_LL_LAST   "px_ll_last"
#define PX_LL_LST_ATTR   "Lat/lon of pixels along last scan line"
#define SC_LL_FIRST   "sc_ll_first"
#define SC_LL_FST_ATTR   "Lat/lon of starts of scan lines"
#define SC_LL_LAST   "sc_ll_last"
#define SC_LL_LST_ATTR   "Lat/lon of ends of scan lines"
#define NTILTS   "ntilts"
#define NTILTS_NAME   "Number of scene tilt states"
#define T_FLAGS   "tilt_flags"
#define T_FLAGS_NAME   "Tilt indicators"
#define T_RANGES   "tilt_ranges"
#define T_RANGES_NAME   "Scan-line number ranges of scene tilt states"
#define T_LATS   "tilt_lats"
#define T_LATS_NAME   "Latitudes of tilt-range scan line end points"
#define T_LONS   "tilt_lons"
#define T_LONS_NAME   "Longitudes of tilt-range scan line end points"
#define ORBVEC   "orb_vec"
#define ORBVEC_NAME   "Orbit position vector at scan line time"
#define ORBVEC_UNITS   "kilometers"
#define LVERT   "l_vert"
#define LVERT_NAME   "Local vertical vector in ECEF frame"
#define SUNREF   "sun_ref"
#define SUNREF_NAME   "Reference Sun vector in ECEF frame"
#define ATTANG   "att_ang"
#define ATTANG_NAME   "Computed yaw, roll, pitch"
#define SENMAT   "sen_mat"
#define SENMAT_NAME   "ECEF-to-sensor-frame matrix"
#define SCANELL   "scan_ell"
#define SCANELL_NAME   "Scan-track ellipse coefficients"
#define NFLAG   "nflag"
#define NFLAG_NAME   "Navigation flags"
#define CNTLPTCOLS   "cntl_pt_cols"
#define CNTLPTCOLS_NAME   "Control point column values"
#define CNTLPTLAT   "latitude"
#define CNTLPTLAT_NAME   "Latitude values"
#define CNTLPTLON   "longitude"
#define CNTLPTLON_NAME   "Longitude values"


int l2brsgen_init_options (clo_optionList_t *list)
int l2brsgen_read_options (clo_optionList_t *list, int argc, char *argv[], l2_prod *l2_str, meta_l2Type *meta_l2)
int32 put_l2brs (char *l2brs_path, char *replaces, char *ptime, char *infiles, int32 px_start, int32 px_end, int32 px_subsamp, int32 brs_nsamp, int32 sc_start, int32 sc_end, int32 sc_subsamp, int32 brs_nrec, char *l2brs_name, float32 *l2brs_data, int32 *l2brs_flags, char *flag_names, char *mskflg, unsigned char *palette, float32 *px_ll_first, float32 *px_ll_last, float32 *sc_ll_first, float32 *sc_ll_last, char *proc_con, int16 syear, int16 sday, int32 smsec, int16 eyear, int16 eday, int32 emsec, char *dtype, int32 nrec, int32 nsamp, int32 ntilts, short *tilt_flags, int16 *tilt_ranges, int16 *cntl_pt_lat, int16 *cntl_pt_lon, meta_l2Type *meta_l2, product_table_t *ptable_rec, const char *oformat, int32 apply_pal)
void write_attrs (int32 sdfid, char *l2brs_path, char *replaces, char *ptime, char *infiles, int32 px_start, int32 px_end, int32 px_subsamp, int32 brs_nsamp, int32 sc_start, int32 sc_end, int32 sc_subsamp, int32 brs_nrec, char *l2brs_name, char *proc_con, int16 syear, int16 sday, int32 smsec, int16 eyear, int16 eday, int32 emsec, char *dtype, int32 nrec, int32 nsamp, meta_l2Type *meta_l2)
int32 write_image (char *l2brs_path, unsigned char *l2brs_data, int32 brs_nsamp, int32 brs_nrec, uint8 *palette)
int32 write_SDS (int32 sdfid, char *label, int32 ntype, int32 rank, int32 *dimsizes, int32 *start, void *buf)
int32 write_tilt_sets (int32 fid, int32 sdfid, int32 ntilts, int16 *tilt_flags, int16 *tilt_ranges)
int32 write_nav_sets (int32 fid, int32 sdfid, int32 brs_nrec, int32 brs_nsamp, int16 *cntl_pt_lat, int16 *cntl_pt_lon)


char ERR_MSG [1024]

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ATTANG   "att_ang"

Definition at line 186 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ATTANG_NAME   "Computed yaw, roll, pitch"

Definition at line 187 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define BASE   "Base"

Definition at line 148 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define BASE_VAL   10.0

Definition at line 149 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CHL_END   (l2_data + 9*nsamp)

Definition at line 28 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CHL_START   (l2_data + 8*nsamp)

Definition at line 27 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CLAT   "Scene Center Latitude"

Definition at line 106 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CLON   "Scene Center Longitude"

Definition at line 107 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CNTLPTCOLS   "cntl_pt_cols"

Definition at line 194 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CNTLPTCOLS_NAME   "Control point column values"

Definition at line 195 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CNTLPTLAT   "latitude"

Definition at line 197 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CNTLPTLAT_NAME   "Latitude values"

Definition at line 198 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CNTLPTLON   "longitude"

Definition at line 199 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CNTLPTLON_NAME   "Longitude values"

Definition at line 200 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define CTIME   "Scene Center Time"

Definition at line 87 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define DCENTER   "Data Center"

Definition at line 52 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define DCENTER_VAL   "NASA/GSFC SeaWiFS Data Processing Center"

Definition at line 53 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define DTYPE   "Data Type"

Definition at line 75 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define EDAY   "End Day"

Definition at line 93 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ELON   "Easternmost Longitude"

Definition at line 120 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define EMSEC   "End Millisec"

Definition at line 94 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define END_TIME   "End Time"

Definition at line 86 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ENDCLAT   "End Center Latitude"

Definition at line 123 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ENDCLON   "End Center Longitude"

Definition at line 124 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ENODE   "End Node"

Definition at line 96 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define EYEAR   "End Year"

Definition at line 92 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define FFLAG1   "FF Missing Frames"

Definition at line 80 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define FFLAG2   "SDPS Missing Frames"

Definition at line 81 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define INTERCEPT   "Intercept"

Definition at line 152 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define INTERCEPT_VAL   -2.0

Definition at line 153 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define IOERR   -1

Definition at line 21 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define L2B_PNAME   "Product Name"

Definition at line 48 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define L2B_TITLE   "Title"

Definition at line 49 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define L2BRS_INFILES   "Input Files"

Definition at line 67 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define L2BRS_MISSION   "Mission"

Definition at line 54 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define L2BRS_PCTFLAG   "Flag Percentages"

Definition at line 82 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LAC_PX_ST   "LAC Pixel Start Number"

Definition at line 134 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LAC_PX_SUBSAMP   "LAC Pixel Subsampling"

Definition at line 136 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LAT_END   (l2_str.latitude + max_samp_used+1)

Definition at line 30 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LAT_START   (l2_str.latitude)

Definition at line 29 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LATUNITS   "Latitude Units"

Definition at line 102 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LATUNITS_VAL   "degrees North"

Definition at line 103 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LEGEND   "Legend"

Definition at line 50 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LLLAT   "Lower Left Latitude"

Definition at line 113 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LLLON   "Lower Left Longitude"

Definition at line 114 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LON_END   (l2_str.longitude + max_samp_used+1)

Definition at line 32 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LON_START   (l2_str.longitude)

Definition at line 31 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LONGNAME   "long_name"

Definition at line 42 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LONUNITS   "Longitude Units"

Definition at line 104 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LONUNITS_VAL   "degrees East"

Definition at line 105 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LRLAT   "Lower Right Latitude"

Definition at line 115 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LRLON   "Lower Right Longitude"

Definition at line 116 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LVERT   "l_vert"

Definition at line 182 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define LVERT_NAME   "Local vertical vector in ECEF frame"

Definition at line 183 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define MAXTILTS   20

Definition at line 34 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define MAXVAL   255

Definition at line 25 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define MEMERR   -3

Definition at line 23 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define MSECHOUR   3600000

Definition at line 38 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define MSECMIN   60000

Definition at line 39 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define MSECSEC   1000

Definition at line 40 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define MSNCHAR   "Mission Characteristics"

Definition at line 55 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NFLAG   "nflag"

Definition at line 192 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NFLAG_NAME   "Navigation flags"

Definition at line 193 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NFLAGS   16

Definition at line 35 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NFREC   "Filled Scan Lines"

Definition at line 79 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NLAT   "Northernmost Latitude"

Definition at line 117 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NODEL   "Orbit Node Longitude"

Definition at line 125 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NORAD1   "NORAD Line 1"

Definition at line 98 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NORAD2   "NORAD Line 2"

Definition at line 99 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NREC   "Parent Number of Scan Lines"

Definition at line 77 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NSAMP   "Parent Pixels per Scan Line"

Definition at line 76 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NTILTS   "ntilts"

Definition at line 167 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NTILTS_NAME   "Number of scene tilt states"

Definition at line 168 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define NTIME   "Node Crossing Time"

Definition at line 88 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ORBNUM   "Orbit Number"

Definition at line 97 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ORBVEC   "orb_vec"

Definition at line 179 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ORBVEC_NAME   "Orbit position vector at scan line time"

Definition at line 180 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ORBVEC_UNITS   "kilometers"

Definition at line 181 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PARAM   "Parameter"

Definition at line 128 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PARAM_VAL   "Chlorophyll a concentration"

Definition at line 129 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PINFILES   "Parent Input Files"

Definition at line 73 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PPNAME   "Parent Product Name"

Definition at line 74 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PROC_CON   "Processing Control"

Definition at line 68 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PROC_LOG   "Processing Log"

Definition at line 69 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PTIME   "Processing Time"

Definition at line 66 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PX_END   "End Pixel"

Definition at line 133 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PX_LL_FIRST   "px_ll_first"

Definition at line 157 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PX_LL_FST_ATTR   "Lat/lon of pixels along first scan line"

Definition at line 158 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PX_LL_LAST   "px_ll_last"

Definition at line 159 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PX_LL_LST_ATTR   "Lat/lon of pixels along last scan line"

Definition at line 160 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PX_LL_NUM   "Pixel Coordinates"

Definition at line 142 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PX_NUM   "Pixels per Scan Line"

Definition at line 137 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PX_START   "Start Pixel"

Definition at line 132 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define PX_SUBSAMP   "Pixel Subsampling Rate"

Definition at line 135 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define RANGE   "valid_range"

Definition at line 43 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define RDERR   -2

Definition at line 22 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define REPLACES   "Replacement Flag"

Definition at line 61 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_END   "End Scan"

Definition at line 139 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_EQN   "Scaling Equation"

Definition at line 146 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_EQN_VAL   "Base**((Slope*brs_data) + Intercept) = chlorophyll a"

Definition at line 147 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_LL_FIRST   "sc_ll_first"

Definition at line 161 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_LL_FST_ATTR   "Lat/lon of starts of scan lines"

Definition at line 162 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_LL_LAST   "sc_ll_last"

Definition at line 163 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_LL_LST_ATTR   "Lat/lon of ends of scan lines"

Definition at line 164 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_LL_NUM   "Scan Coordinates"

Definition at line 143 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_NUM   "Number of Scan Lines"

Definition at line 141 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_START   "Start Scan"

Definition at line 138 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_SUBSAMP   "Scan Subsampling Rate"

Definition at line 140 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_TY_VAL   "logarithmic"

Definition at line 145 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SC_TYPE   "Scaling"

Definition at line 144 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SCALE_OFF   "Scale Offset"

Definition at line 154 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SCANELL   "scan_ell"

Definition at line 190 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SCANELL_NAME   "Scan-track ellipse coefficients"

Definition at line 191 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SCSOL_Z   "Scene Center Solar Zenith"

Definition at line 108 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SDAY   "Start Day"

Definition at line 90 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SENMAT   "sen_mat"

Definition at line 188 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SENMAT_NAME   "ECEF-to-sensor-frame matrix"

Definition at line 189 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SENSOR   "Sensor"

Definition at line 57 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SENSOR_NAME   "Sensor Name"

Definition at line 56 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SLAT   "Southernmost Latitude"

Definition at line 118 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SLOPE   "Slope"

Definition at line 150 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SLOPE_VAL   0.015

Definition at line 151 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SMSEC   "Start Millisec"

Definition at line 91 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SNCNTR   "Scene Center Scan Line"

Definition at line 78 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SNODE   "Start Node"

Definition at line 95 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SNSCHAR   "Sensor Characteristics"

Definition at line 58 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SOFT_NAME   "Software Name"

Definition at line 64 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SOFT_VER   "Software Version"

Definition at line 65 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SOFTID   "Software ID"

Definition at line 62 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SOFTID_VAL   "?????"

Definition at line 63 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define STCLAT   "Start Center Latitude"

Definition at line 121 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define STCLON   "Start Center Longitude"

Definition at line 122 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define STIME   "Start Time"

Definition at line 85 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SUNREF   "sun_ref"

Definition at line 184 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SUNREF_NAME   "Reference Sun vector in ECEF frame"

Definition at line 185 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define SYEAR   "Start Year"

Definition at line 89 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define T_FLAGS   "tilt_flags"

Definition at line 169 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define T_FLAGS_NAME   "Tilt indicators"

Definition at line 170 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define T_LATS   "tilt_lats"

Definition at line 173 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define T_LATS_NAME   "Latitudes of tilt-range scan line end points"

Definition at line 174 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define T_LONS   "tilt_lons"

Definition at line 175 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define T_LONS_NAME   "Longitudes of tilt-range scan line end points"

Definition at line 176 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define T_RANGES   "tilt_ranges"

Definition at line 171 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define T_RANGES_NAME   "Scan-line number ranges of scene tilt states"

Definition at line 172 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define TITLE_VAL   " Level-2 Browse Data"

Definition at line 51 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ULLAT   "Upper Left Latitude"

Definition at line 109 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define ULLON   "Upper Left Longitude"

Definition at line 110 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define UNITS   "Units"

Definition at line 130 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define UNITS_VAL   "mg m^-3"

Definition at line 131 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define URLAT   "Upper Right Latitude"

Definition at line 111 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define URLON   "Upper Right Longitude"

Definition at line 112 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define VERSION   "2.0"

Definition at line 19 of file l2brsgen.h.


#define WLON   "Westernmost Longitude"

Definition at line 119 of file l2brsgen.h.

Function Documentation

◆ l2brsgen_init_options()

int l2brsgen_init_options ( clo_optionList_t list)

add all of the accepted command line options to list

Definition at line 16 of file l2brsgen_input.c.

◆ l2brsgen_read_options()

int l2brsgen_read_options ( clo_optionList_t list,
int  argc,
char *  argv[],
l2_prod *  l2_str,
meta_l2Type *  meta_l2 

Read the command line option and all of the default parameter files.

This is the order for loading the options:

  • load the main program defaults file
  • load sensor specific defaults file
  • load the command line (including specified par files)
  • re-load the command line disabling file descending so command line arguments will over ride
  • opens l2_str
  • loads meta_l2

Definition at line 84 of file l2brsgen_input.c.

◆ put_l2brs()

int32 put_l2brs ( char *  l2brs_path,
char *  replaces,
char *  ptime,
char *  infiles,
int32  px_start,
int32  px_end,
int32  px_subsamp,
int32  brs_nsamp,
int32  sc_start,
int32  sc_end,
int32  sc_subsamp,
int32  brs_nrec,
char *  l2brs_name,
float32 *  l2brs_data,
int32 *  l2brs_flags,
char *  flag_names,
char *  mskflg,
unsigned char *  palette,
float32 *  px_ll_first,
float32 *  px_ll_last,
float32 *  sc_ll_first,
float32 *  sc_ll_last,
char *  proc_con,
int16  syear,
int16  sday,
int32  smsec,
int16  eyear,
int16  eday,
int32  emsec,
char *  dtype,
int32  nrec,
int32  nsamp,
int32  ntilts,
short *  tilt_flags,
int16 *  tilt_ranges,
int16 *  cntl_pt_lat,
int16 *  cntl_pt_lon,
meta_l2Type *  meta_l2,
product_table_t *  ptable_rec,
const char *  oformat,
int32  apply_pal 

Definition at line 137 of file put_l2brs.c.

◆ write_attrs()

void write_attrs ( int32  sdfid,
char *  l2brs_path,
char *  replaces,
char *  ptime,
char *  infiles,
int32  px_start,
int32  px_end,
int32  px_subsamp,
int32  brs_nsamp,
int32  sc_start,
int32  sc_end,
int32  sc_subsamp,
int32  brs_nrec,
char *  l2brs_name,
char *  proc_con,
int16  syear,
int16  sday,
int32  smsec,
int16  eyear,
int16  eday,
int32  emsec,
char *  dtype,
int32  nrec,
int32  nsamp,
meta_l2Type *  meta_l2 

Definition at line 466 of file put_l2brs.c.

◆ write_image()

int32 write_image ( char *  l2brs_path,
unsigned char *  l2brs_data,
int32  brs_nsamp,
int32  brs_nrec,
uint8 *  palette 

◆ write_nav_sets()

int32 write_nav_sets ( int32  fid,
int32  sdfid,
int32  brs_nrec,
int32  brs_nsamp,
int16 *  cntl_pt_lat,
int16 *  cntl_pt_lon 

Definition at line 756 of file put_l2brs.c.

◆ write_SDS()

int32 write_SDS ( int32  sdfid,
char *  label,
int32  ntype,
int32  rank,
int32 *  dimsizes,
int32 *  start,
void *  buf 

Definition at line 710 of file put_l2brs.c.

◆ write_tilt_sets()

int32 write_tilt_sets ( int32  fid,
int32  sdfid,
int32  ntilts,
int16 *  tilt_flags,
int16 *  tilt_ranges 

Variable Documentation


char ERR_MSG[1024]

Definition at line 119 of file extract_sub.c.