Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # coding: utf-8
4 """
5 A script to create and output satellite matchups from a SeaBASS file given an
6 OB.DAAC L2 (SST, SST4, IOP, or OC) satellite file and a valid SeaBASS file containing
7 lat, lon, date, and time as /field entries or fixed --slat and --slon coords or a fixed
8 box bounded by --slat, --slon, --elat, and --elon. NOTE: --slat and --slon will override
9 lat/lons in --seabass_file.
10 written by J.Scott on 2016/12/13 (joel.scott@nasa.gov)
11 """
13 def main():
15  import argparse
16  import os
17  import re
18  import subprocess
19  from datetime import datetime, timedelta
20  from statistics import median
21  from copy import copy
22  from math import isnan
23  from collections import OrderedDict
24  from seabass.SB_support import readSB
26  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,description='''\
27  This program create and output satellite matchups from a given SeaBASS file.
29  REQUIRED inputs:
30  1) --sat_file= an OB.DAAC L2 (SST, SST4, IOP, or OC) satellite file
31  2) --seabass_file= a valid SeaBASS file with latitude, longitude, and date-time information as field entries.
33  Notes on OPTIONAL inputs:
34  1) --slat= --slon= must be used together and will override any lat/lons in --seabass_file
35  2) --elat= --elon= must be used together and with --slon= and --slat=
36  will override any lat/lons in --seabass_file
37  uses a lat/lon bounding box instead of --box_size=
39  Outputs:
40  1) the original SeaBASS data
41  AND
42  2) collocated satellite products as additional columns appended to --seabass_file
44  Example usage call:
45  mk_matchup.py --sat_file=[file name].nc --seabass_file=[file name].sb
46  mk_matchup.py --sat_file=[file name].nc --seabass_file=[file name].sb --slat=45.3 --slon=-157.4
47  mk_matchup.py --sat_file=[file name].nc --seabass_file=[file name].sb --slat=45.3 --elat=48.7 --slon=-157.4 --elon=-145.3
49  Caveats:
50  * This script is designed to work with files that have been properly
51  formatted according to SeaBASS guidelines (i.e. Files that passed FCHECK).
52  Some error checking is performed, but improperly formatted input files
53  could cause this script to error or behave unexpectedly. Files
54  downloaded from the SeaBASS database should already be properly formatted,
55  however, please email seabass@seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov and/or the contact listed
56  in the metadata header if you identify problems with specific files.
58  * It is always HIGHLY recommended that you check for and read any metadata
59  header comments and/or documentation accompanying data files. Information
60  from those sources could impact your analysis.
62  * Compatibility: This script was developed for Python 3.5.
64  ''',add_help=True)
66  parser.add_argument('--sat_file', nargs='+', type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, help='''\
67  REQUIRED: input OB.DAAC Level-2 satellite netCDF file(s)
68  ''')
70  parser.add_argument('--seabass_file', nargs='+', type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, help='''\
71  REQUIRED: input SeaBASS file(s)
72  Must be a valid SeaBASS file, passing FHCHECK with no errors.
73  Matched-up satellite variables will be appended as additional fields to the data matrix and relevant headers.
74  File must contain latitude and longitude and date-time expressed as FIELD entries.
75  ''')
77  parser.add_argument('--box_size', nargs=1, default=([5]), type=int, help=('''\
78  OPTIONAL: box size of the satellite data extract made around the in situ point
79  Valid values are odd numbers between 3 and 11, default = 5
80  '''))
82  parser.add_argument('--min_valid_sat_pix', nargs=1, default=([50.0]), type=float, help=('''\
83  OPTIONAL: percent minimum valid satellite pixels required to create an extract
84  Valid value: (0.0 - 100.0), default = 50.0
85  '''))
87  parser.add_argument('--max_time_diff', nargs=1, default=([3.0]), type=float, help=('''\
88  OPTIONAL: maximum time difference between satellite and in situ point
89  Valid value: decimal number of hours (0 - 36 hours), default = 3
90  '''))
92  parser.add_argument('--max_coeff_variation', nargs=1, default=([0.15]), type=float, help=('''\
93  OPTIONAL: maximum coefficient of variation of satellite pixels within the satellite extract
94  Valid value: (0.0 - 1.0), default = 0.15
95  '''))
97  parser.add_argument('--slat', nargs=1, type=float, help=('''\
98  OPTIONAL: Starting latitude, south-most boundary
99  If used with --seabass_file, will override lats in the file
100  Valid values: (-90,90N)
101  '''))
103  parser.add_argument('--elat', nargs=1, type=float, help=('''\
104  OPTIONAL: Ending latitude, north-most boundary
105  If used with --seabass_file and --slat, will override lats in the file
106  Valid values: (-90,90N)
107  '''))
109  parser.add_argument('--slon', nargs=1, type=float, help=('''\
110  OPTIONAL: Starting longitude, west-most boundary
111  If used with --seabass_file, will override lons in the file
112  Valid values: (-180,180E)
113  '''))
115  parser.add_argument('--elon', nargs=1, type=float, help=('''\
116  OPTIONAL: Ending longitude, east-most boundary
117  If used with --seabass_file and --slon, will override lons in the file
118  Valid values: (-180,180E)
119  '''))
121  parser.add_argument('--verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help=('''\
122  OPTIONAL: Displays reason for failed matchup for each in situ target called.
123  '''))
125  parser.add_argument('--no_header_comment', default=False, action='store_true', help=('''\
126  OPTIONAL: Flag to NOT append exclusion criteria to the OFILE header. Useful when running script repeatedly.
127  '''))
129  # Exclusion criteria; defaults from:
130  # S.W. Bailey and P.J. Werdell, "A multi-sensor approach for the on-orbit validation of ocean color satellite data products", Rem. Sens. Environ. 102, 12-23 (2006).
131  # with one exception: The maximum allowed solar zenith angle used here is 70-deg vs the paper's recommended 75-deg.
133  args=parser.parse_args()
134  dict_args=vars(args)
136  # input verification
137  if ((dict_args["box_size"][0] % 2) == 0) or (dict_args["box_size"][0] > 11) or (dict_args["box_size"][0] < 3):
138  parser.error("invalid --box_size specified, must be an ODD integer between 3 and 11")
140  if (dict_args["min_valid_sat_pix"][0] > 100.0) or (dict_args["min_valid_sat_pix"][0] < 0.0):
141  parser.error("invalid --min_valid_sat_pix specified, must be a percentage expressed as a floating point number between 0.0 and 100.0")
143  if (dict_args["max_time_diff"][0] > 36) or (dict_args["max_time_diff"][0] < 0):
144  parser.error("invalid --max_time_diff specified, must be a decimal number between 0 and 36")
145  else:
146  twin_Hmin = -1 * int(dict_args['max_time_diff'][0])
147  twin_Mmin = -60 * (dict_args['max_time_diff'][0] - int(dict_args['max_time_diff'][0]))
148  twin_Hmax = 1 * int(dict_args['max_time_diff'][0])
149  twin_Mmax = 60 * (dict_args['max_time_diff'][0] - int(dict_args['max_time_diff'][0]))
151  if (dict_args["max_coeff_variation"][0] > 1.0) or (dict_args["max_coeff_variation"][0] < 0.0):
152  parser.error("invalid --max_coeff_variation specified, must be an floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0")
154  for filein_sb in dict_args['seabass_file']:
156  # read and verify SeaBASS file and required fields
157  ds = readSB(filename=filein_sb.name,
158  mask_missing=False,
159  mask_above_detection_limit=False,
160  mask_below_detection_limit=False,
161  no_warn=True)
163  ds.datetime = ds.fd_datetime()
164  if not ds.datetime:
165  parser.error('missing fields in SeaBASS file -- file must contain a valid FIELDS combination of date/year/month/day/sdy and time/hour/minute/second')
167  print('Looking for satellite/in situ match-ups for:',filein_sb.name)
169  for filein_sat in dict_args['sat_file']:
171  if not re.search('\.nc', filein_sat.name.lower()) or \
172  not re.search('l2', filein_sat.name.lower()):
173  parser.error("invalid --sat_file specified, must be a Level-2 (L2) OB.DAAC netCDF (nc) file")
174  else:
175  #set l2_flags to check for OC/IOP versus SST/SST4 product suites
176  if re.search('SST', filein_sat.name):
177  flag_arg = ' ignore_flags=LAND\ NAVFAIL\ NAVWARN' + \
178  ' count_flags=LAND\ NAVFAIL'
179  else:
181  ' count_flags=LAND\ NAVFAIL'
183  print('Checking:',filein_sat.name)
184  write_flag = 0
186  # loop through input SeaBASS file data rows
187  for row,dt in enumerate(ds.datetime):
189  # create time range of satellite obs to extract
190  tim_min = dt + timedelta(hours=twin_Hmin,minutes=twin_Mmin)
191  tim_max = dt + timedelta(hours=twin_Hmax,minutes=twin_Mmax)
193  #handle slat/slon/elat/elon from command line
194  if args.slat and args.slon and args.elat and args.elon:
195  #check lat/lon inputs
196  if abs(dict_args['slon'][0]) > 180.0 or abs(dict_args['elon'][0]) > 180.0:
197  parser.error('invalid longitude inputs: --slon and --elon MUST be between -180/180E deg. Received --slon = ' + \
198  str(dict_args['slon'][0]) + ' and --elon = ' + str(dict_args['elon'][0]))
199  if abs(dict_args['slat'][0]) > 90.0 or abs(dict_args['elat'][0]) > 90.0:
200  parser.error('invalid latitude inputs: --slat and --elat MUST be between -90/90N deg. Received --slat = ' + \
201  str(dict_args['slat'][0]) + ' and --elat = ' + str(dict_args['elat'][0]))
202  if dict_args['slat'][0] > dict_args['elat'][0]:
203  parser.error('invalid latitude inputs: --slat MUST be less than --elat and both MUST be between -90/90N deg. Received --slat = ' + \
204  str(dict_args['slat'][0]) + ' and --elat = ' + str(dict_args['elat'][0]))
205  if dict_args['slon'][0] > dict_args['elon'][0]:
206  parser.error('invalid longitude inputs: --slon MUST be less than --elon and both MUST be between -180/180E deg. Received --slon = ' + \
207  str(dict_args['slon'][0]) + ' and --elon = ' + str(dict_args['elon'][0]))
209  # construct sys call to val_extract
210  sys_call_str = 'val_extract' + \
211  ' ifile=' + filein_sat.name + \
212  ' slon=' + str(dict_args['slon'][0]) + \
213  ' slat=' + str(dict_args['slat'][0]) + \
214  ' elon=' + str(dict_args['elon'][0]) + \
215  ' elat=' + str(dict_args['elat'][0]) + \
216  ' global_att=1' + \
217  ' variable_att=1' + flag_arg
218  # variable_att flag needed to extract units
219  # global_att flag needed to extract sensor/instrument names
220  # sunzen=70.0 <---- HISOLZEN threshold
221  # satzen=60.0 <---- HISATZEN threshold
223  pid = subprocess.run(sys_call_str, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
224  if pid.returncode == 99:
225  if dict_args['verbose']:
226  print('No matchup: in situ target not in granule')
227  continue #no valid matchup
228  elif pid.returncode == 101 or pid.returncode == 102:
229  parser.error('val_extract failed -- only accepts Level-2 (L2) satellite files. ' + \
230  filein_sat.name + ' is not a valid L2 file')
231  elif pid.returncode != 0:
232  parser.error('val_extract failed -- verify that the val_extract binary is compiled and on your PATH and that ' + \
233  filein_sat.name + ' exists')
235  #handle slat/slon only from command line
236  elif args.slat and args.slon and not args.elat and not args.elon:
237  #check lat/lon inputs
238  if abs(dict_args['slon'][0]) > 180.0:
239  parser.error('invalid longitude inputs: --slon MUST be between -180/180E deg. Received --slon = ' + str(dict_args['slon'][0]))
240  if abs(dict_args['slat'][0]) > 90.0:
241  parser.error('invalid latitude inputs: --slat MUST be between -90/90N deg. Received --slat = ' + str(dict_args['slat'][0]))
243  # construct sys call to val_extract
244  sys_call_str = 'val_extract' + \
245  ' ifile=' + filein_sat.name + \
246  ' slon=' + str(dict_args['slon'][0]) + \
247  ' slat=' + str(dict_args['slat'][0]) + \
248  ' global_att=1' + \
249  ' variable_att=1' + \
250  ' boxsize=' + str(dict_args['box_size'][0]) + flag_arg
251  # variable_att flag needed to extract units
252  # global_att flag needed to extract sensor/instrument names
253  # sunzen=70.0 <---- HISOLZEN threshold
254  # satzen=60.0 <---- HISATZEN threshold
256  pid = subprocess.run(sys_call_str, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
257  if pid.returncode == 99:
258  if dict_args['verbose']:
259  print('No matchup: in situ target not in granule')
260  continue #no valid matchup
261  elif pid.returncode == 101 or pid.returncode == 102:
262  parser.error('val_extract failed -- only accepts Level-2 (L2) satellite files. ' + \
263  filein_sat.name + ' is not a valid L2 file')
264  elif pid.returncode != 0:
265  parser.error('val_extract failed -- verify that the val_extract binary is compiled and on your PATH and that ' + \
266  filein_sat.name + ' exists')
268  #handle lat/lon from file
269  else:
271  # verify lat/lon inputs from file
272  try:
273  ds.lon = [float(i) for i in ds.data['lon']]
274  ds.lat = [float(i) for i in ds.data['lat']]
275  except Exception as E:
276  print(E)
277  parser.error('Missing fields in SeaBASS file. File must contain lat and lon as fields, or specify --slat and --slon.')
279  if isnan(ds.lat[row]) or isnan(ds.lon[row]):
280  continue
282  if abs(ds.lon[row]) > 180.0:
283  parser.error('invalid longitude input: all longitude values in ' + filein_sb.name + ' MUST be between -180/180E deg.')
284  if abs(ds.lat[row]) > 90.0:
285  parser.error('invalid latitude input: all latitude values in ' + filein_sb.name + ' MUST be between -90/90N deg.')
287  # construct sys call to val_extract
288  sys_call_str = 'val_extract' + \
289  ' ifile=' + filein_sat.name + \
290  ' slon=' + str(ds.lon[row]) + \
291  ' slat=' + str(ds.lat[row]) + \
292  ' global_att=1' + \
293  ' variable_att=1' + \
294  ' boxsize=' + str(dict_args['box_size'][0]) + flag_arg
295  # variable_att flag needed to extract units
296  # global_att flag needed to extract sensor/instrument names
297  # sunzen=70.0 <---- HISOLZEN threshold
298  # satzen=60.0 <---- HISATZEN threshold
300  pid = subprocess.run(sys_call_str, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
301  if pid.returncode == 99:
302  #if dict_args['verbose']:
303  #print('No matchup: in situ target not in granule.')
304  continue #no valid matchup
305  elif pid.returncode == 101 or pid.returncode == 102:
306  parser.error('val_extract failed -- only accepts Level-2 (L2) satellite files. ' + \
307  filein_sat.name + ' is not a valid L2 file')
308  elif pid.returncode != 0:
309  parser.error('val_extract failed -- verify that the val_extract binary is compiled and on your PATH and that ' + \
310  filein_sat.name + ' exists')
312  # define structures to keep track of val_extract's output files
313  file_ls = OrderedDict()
314  file_del = []
315  var_ls = []
317  upix_ct = 0
318  fpix_ct = dict_args['box_size'][0]^2
319  pix_ct = 0
321  tims = 0
322  tim_sat = 0
324  cvs = []
326  # parse the extract information
327  file_del.append(filein_sat.name + '.qc');
328  try:
329  fileobj = open(filein_sat.name + '.qc','r')
330  lines = fileobj.readlines()
331  for line in lines:
332  newline = re.sub("[\r\n]+",'',line)
333  if 'unflagged_pixel_count' in newline:
334  upix_ct = int(newline.split('=')[1])
335  elif 'flagged_pixel_count' in newline:
336  fpix_ct = int(newline.split('=')[1])
337  elif 'pixel_count' in newline:
338  pix_ct = int(newline.split('=')[1])
339  elif 'time' in newline:
340  try:
341  tims = re.search("(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)", newline.split('=')[1]);
342  tim_sat = datetime(year=int(tims.group(1)), \
343  month=int(tims.group(2)), \
344  day=int(tims.group(3)), \
345  hour=int(tims.group(4)), \
346  minute=int(tims.group(5)), \
347  second=int(tims.group(6)))
348  except:
349  continue
350  elif 'variables' in newline:
351  var_ls = newline.split('=')[1].split(',')
352  for var in var_ls:
353  file_del.append(filein_sat.name + '.qc.' + var);
354  if 'l2_flags' in var or \
355  'longitude' in var or \
356  'latitude' in var:
357  continue
358  file_ls[var] = filein_sat.name + '.qc.' + var
359  fileobj.close()
360  except Exception as E:
361  print(E)
362  parser.error(' unable to open and read file ' + filein_sat.name + '.qc')
364  # parse the satellite nc file information
365  file_del.append(filein_sat.name + '.qc.global_attrs');
366  [inst, plat] = readValEglobatt(filein_sat.name + '.qc.global_attrs', parser)
367  if not inst:
368  inst = 'na'
369  if not plat:
370  plat = 'na'
372  # apply exclusion criteria
373  # compute and evaluate the max time diff test
374  if tim_sat > tim_max or tim_sat < tim_min:
375  clean_file_lis(file_del)
376  if dict_args['verbose']:
377  print('No matchup: failed MAX_TIME_DIFF, required =',dict_args["max_time_diff"][0],'Exclusion level = 1, Matrix row =',row)
378  continue #no valid matchup
380  # compute and evaluate the min valid sat pix test
381  if (pix_ct - fpix_ct) != 0:
382  if upix_ct >= dict_args['box_size'][0]:
383  pix_thresh = 100.0 * (upix_ct / (pix_ct - fpix_ct))
384  if pix_thresh < dict_args['min_valid_sat_pix'][0]:
385  clean_file_lis(file_del)
386  if dict_args['verbose']:
387  print('No matchup: failed MIN_VALID_SAT_PIX, required =',dict_args['min_valid_sat_pix'][0],'found =',pix_thresh,'Exclusion level = 4, Matrix row =',row)
388  continue #no valid matchup
389  else:
390  clean_file_lis(file_del)
391  if dict_args['verbose']:
392  print('No matchup: failed MIN_VALID_SAT_PIX, extracted satellite pixels less than box size, required =',dict_args['box_size'][0],'found =',upix_ct,'Exclusion level = 3, Matrix row =',row)
393  continue #no valid matchup
394  else:
395  clean_file_lis(file_del)
396  if dict_args['verbose']:
397  print('No matchup: failed MIN_VALID_SAT_PIX, division by zero when deriving pix_thresh due to required L2FLAG criteria, Exclusion level = 2, Data row =',row)
398  continue #no valid matchup
400  # compute and evaluate the CV test
401  for var in var_ls:
402  try:
403  m = re.search("(rrs|aot)_([\d.]+)", var.lower())
404  # only compute CV using Rrs between 405nm and 570nm and using AOT between 860nm and 900nm
405  if (float(m.group(2)) > 405 and float(m.group(2)) < 570) or (float(m.group(2)) > 860 and float(m.group(2)) < 900):
406  if 'modis' in inst.lower():
407  # for MODIS Aqua and Terra don't use land bands 469nm and 555nm
408  if float(m.group(2)) == 469 or float(m.group(2)) == 555:
409  continue
411  [fmean, fstdev, units] = readValEfile(file_ls[var], parser)
412  if not fmean or not fstdev:
413  continue
414  if float(fmean) != 0:
415  cvs.append(float(fstdev)/float(fmean))
416  else:
417  cvs.append(0.0)
418  except:
419  continue #case if var not Rrs nor AOT, also catches L2 IOP's rrsdiff_giop
421  if cvs: #handles non-OC files, which don't have vars for CV test
422  if median(cvs) > dict_args['max_coeff_variation'][0]:
423  clean_file_lis(file_del)
424  if dict_args['verbose']:
425  print('No matchup: failed MAX_COEF_OF_VARIATION, required =',dict_args['max_coeff_variation'][0],'found =',median(cvs),'Exclusion level = 5, Data row =',row)
426  continue #no valid matchup
428  write_flag = 1 #only write out (write_flag == true), if matchups found
430  #save L2_fname
431  L2file_varname = inst + '_' + plat + '_l2fname'
432  ds.addDataToOutput(row, L2file_varname.lower(), 'none', os.path.basename(filein_sat.name), True)
434  #save tdiff
435  tdiff_varname = inst + '_' + plat + '_tdiff'
436  tdiff = tim_sat - dt
437  ds.addDataToOutput(row, tdiff_varname.lower(), 'seconds', tdiff.total_seconds(), True)
439  #save rrsaot_cv
440  if cvs:
441  rrscv_varname = inst + '_' + plat + '_rrsaot_cv'
442  ds.addDataToOutput(row, rrscv_varname.lower(), 'unitless', median(cvs), True)
444  # save extract-variables
445  for var in file_ls:
446  if 'qual_sst' in var:
447  [fmean, fmax] = readValEfile_qsst(file_ls[var], parser)
449  #save mean qual_sst value
450  var_name = inst + '_' + plat + '_' + var.lower() + '_mean'
451  ds.addDataToOutput(row, var_name.lower(), 'none', fmean, True)
453  #save max qual_sst value
454  var_name = inst + '_' + plat + '_' + var.lower() + '_max'
455  ds.addDataToOutput(row, var_name.lower(), 'none', fmax, True)
457  else:
458  [fmean, fstdev, units] = readValEfile(file_ls[var], parser)
460  #save filtered_mean for each var in file_lis
461  var_name = inst + '_' + plat + '_' + var.lower()
462  ds.addDataToOutput(row, var_name.lower(), units, fmean, True)
464  #save filtered_stddev for each var in file_lis
465  var_name = inst + '_' + plat + '_' + var.lower() + '_sd'
466  ds.addDataToOutput(row, var_name.lower(), units, fstdev, True)
468  clean_file_lis(file_del)
470  if write_flag == 1:
472  comment_flag = False
474  for line in ds.comments:
475  if 'File ammended by OCSSW match-up maker script' in line:
476  comment_flag = True
477  break
479  if not dict_args['no_header_comment'] and not comment_flag:
480  ds.comments.append(' ')
481  ds.comments.append(' File ammended by OCSSW match-up maker script: mk_matchup.py on ' + datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + '.')
482  ds.comments.append(' WARNINGS: This script does NOT adjust in situ data to water-leaving values')
483  ds.comments.append(' This script does NOT account for potential oversampling by the in situ data in time or space.')
484  ds.comments.append(' If successive calls to this script are made for a single in situ file AND multiple-valid-overpasses exist,')
485  ds.comments.append(' only the data from the last successive call will be saved to the output file. This may NOT be the best')
486  ds.comments.append(' quality satellite data in space and time.')
487  ds.comments.append(' Default exclusion criteria are obtained from: S.W. Bailey and P.J. Werdell, "A multi-sensor approach')
488  ds.comments.append(' for the on-orbit validation of ocean color satellite data products", Rem. Sens. Environ. 102, 12-23 (2006).')
489  ds.comments.append(' NOTE: The coefficient of variation is computed using all available Rrs between 405nm and 570nm and AOT between 860nm and 900nm,')
490  ds.comments.append(' with the exception of MODIS Rrs land bands at 469nm and 555nm')
491  ds.comments.append(' EXCLUSION CRITERIA applied to this satellite file:')
492  ds.comments.append(' Box size of satellite extract = ' + str(dict_args['box_size'][0]) + ' pixels by ' + str(dict_args['box_size'][0]) + ' pixels')
493  ds.comments.append(' Minimum percent valid satellite pixels = ' + str(dict_args['min_valid_sat_pix'][0]))
494  ds.comments.append(' Maximum solar zenith angle = 70 degrees')
495  ds.comments.append(' Maximum satellite zenith angel = 60 degrees')
496  ds.comments.append(' Maximum time difference between satellite and in situ = ' + str(dict_args['max_time_diff'][0]) + ' hours')
497  ds.comments.append(' Maximum coefficient of variation of satellite pixels = ' + str(dict_args['max_coeff_variation'][0]))
498  ds.comments.append(' EXCEPTIONS to Bailey and Werdell (2006):')
499  ds.comments.append(' 1. User defined values given to mk_matchup.py will override recommended defaults.')
500  ds.comments.append(' 2. The maximum allowed solar zenith angle used here is 70-deg vs the paper-recommended 75-deg.')
501  ds.comments.append(' 3. Rrs and AOT data are only in the OC L2 satellite product suite.')
502  ds.comments.append(' Other file_types (SST, SST4, IOP, etc) will not evaluate any maximum coefficient of variation threshhold.')
503  ds.comments.append(' 4. For all SST file_types, the qual_sst_max or qual_sst_mean fields should be used to screen the sst value quality.')
504  ds.comments.append(' The qual_sst value varies between 0 (best) and 4 (worst).')
505  ds.comments.append(' The qual_sst_mean (qual_sst_max) is the mean (max) of the ' + \
506  str(dict_args['box_size'][0]) + ' by ' + str(dict_args['box_size'][0]) + ' pixel satellite extract.')
507  ds.comments.append(' ')
509  print('Satellite/in situ match-up(s) found.')
511  ds.writeSBfile(filein_sb.name)
513  else:
514  print('No valid satellite match-ups found.')
516  print(' ')
518  return
521 def clean_file_lis(file_ls):
522  import os
523  for d in file_ls:
524  try:
525  os.remove(d)
526  except:
527  print('WARNING: Cleanup of ',d,' failed. Verify that you have read/write priviledges in the current working directory.')
528  return
531 def readValEglobatt(fname, parser):
532  import re
533  inst = ''
534  plat = ''
535  try:
536  fileobj = open(fname,'r')
537  lines = fileobj.readlines()
538  for line in lines:
539  newline = re.sub("[\r\n]+",'',line)
540  if 'instrument=' in newline:
541  inst = newline.lower().split('=')[1]
542  elif 'platform=' in newline:
543  plat = newline.lower().split('=')[1]
544  fileobj.close()
545  except Exception as E:
546  print(E)
547  parser.error(' unable to open and read file ' + fname)
548  return(inst, plat)
551 def readValEfile(fname, parser):
552  import re
553  fmean = ''
554  fstdev = ''
555  units = ''
556  try:
557  fileobj = open(fname,'r')
558  lines = fileobj.readlines()
559  fileobj.close()
561  for line in lines:
562  newline = re.sub("[\r\n]+",'',line)
563  if 'filtered_mean' in newline:
564  fmean = newline.split('=')[1]
565  elif 'filtered_stddev' in newline:
566  fstdev = newline.split('=')[1]
567  elif 'units' in newline:
568  units = re.sub('\s', '_', newline.split('=')[1])
569  except Exception as E:
570  print(E)
571  parser.error(' unable to open and read file ' + fname)
572  return(fmean, fstdev, units)
575 def readValEfile_qsst(fname,parser):
576  import re
577  fmean = ''
578  fmax = ''
579  try:
580  fileobj = open(fname,'r')
581  lines = fileobj.readlines()
582  fileobj.close()
584  for line in lines:
585  newline = re.sub("[\r\n]+",'',line)
586  if 'mean' in newline and not 'filtered_' in newline:
587  fmean = newline.split('=')[1]
588  elif 'max' in newline:
589  fmax = newline.split('=')[1]
590  except Exception as E:
591  print(E)
592  parser.error(' unable to open and read file ' + fname)
593  return(fmean, fmax)
596 if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def clean_file_lis(file_ls)
Definition: mk_matchup.py:521
const char * str
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:35
def readValEglobatt(fname, parser)
Definition: mk_matchup.py:531
def main()
Definition: mk_matchup.py:13
#define abs(a)
Definition: misc.h:90
def readValEfile_qsst(fname, parser)
Definition: mk_matchup.py:575
def readValEfile(fname, parser)
Definition: mk_matchup.py:551