Ocean Color Science Software

Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine outdtz(otupz,oxzeroz,otdwnz,oxzerod)
2 c
3 c subroutine outdt creates output datasets for upwelling and
4 c downwelling diffused radiation leaving the top and bottom of
5 c the atmosphere
6 c***********************************************************************
7 c.....include the common blocks
8  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
9  include 'afrt_rt2.cmn'
10  real*8 tma(nsz),tmb(nsz),tmc(nsz),tmfd(nsz),tmfu(nsz),
11  1 otupz(nstk,nph,nth,nsz),oxzeroz(nstk,nph,nth,nsz),
12  2 otdwnz(nstk,nph,nth,nsz),oxzerod(nstk,nph,nth,nsz)
13  integer*4 s
14 c***********************************************************************
15 c
16  lsza=bfr1(35)+0.001
17  do i=1,lsza,1
18  m=msza(i)
19  tma(i)=the0in(m)
20  tmb(i)=fdirc(m)
21  tmc(i)=sbarz(m)
22  tmfd(i)=fdown(m)
23  tmfu(i)=fup(m)
24  enddo
25 c
26  iprn=4
27  call headr(iprn)
28 c
29  do 5567 i=1,lsza
30  it=msza(i)
31  write(iprn,6659)
32  write(iprn,6660)tma(i),pi
33  write(iprn,6661)tmb(i),tmfd(i)
34  write(iprn,6672)tmfu(i),tmc(i)
35  write(iprn,6668)
36  write(iprn,6664)(the(ir),ir=1,(nx-1))
37  do is=1,jpart
38  write(iprn,6667)jphi(is),(xzeroz(1,it,ir,is)*pi,ir=1,(nx-1))
39  do ir=1,(nx-1)
40  do s=1,nstk
41  oxzeroz(s,is,ir,it) = xzeroz(s,it,ir,is)*pi
42  enddo
43  enddo
44  enddo
45  write(iprn,6665)
46  write(iprn,6664)(the(ir),ir=1,(nx-1))
47 c do is=1,jpart
48  is=1
49  write(iprn,6667)jphi(is),(tupz(1,it,ir,is)*pi,ir=1,(nx-1))
50  do ir=1,(nx-1)
51  do s=1,nstk
52  otupz(s,is,ir,it) = tupz(s,it,ir,is)*pi
53  enddo
54  enddo
55 c enddo
56 5567 continue
57 c
58  iprn=3
59  call headr(iprn)
60 c
61  do 5568 i=1,lsza
62  it=msza(i)
63  write(iprn,6659)
64  write(iprn,6660)tma(i),pi
65  write(iprn,6661)tmb(i),tmfd(i)
66  write(iprn,6672)tmfu(i),tmc(i)
67  write(iprn,6668)
68  write(iprn,6664)(the(ir),ir=1,(nx-1))
69  do is=1,jpart
70  write(iprn,6667)jphi(is),(xzerod(1,it,ir,is)*pi,ir=1,(nx-1))
71  do ir=1,(nx-1)
72  do s=1,nstk
73  oxzerod(s,is,ir,it) = xzerod(s,it,ir,is)*pi
74  enddo
75  enddo
76  enddo
77  write(iprn,6665)
78  write(iprn,6664)(the(ir),ir=1,(nx-1))
79 c do is=1,jpart
80  is=1
81  write(iprn,6667)jphi(is),(tdwnz(1,it,ir,is)*pi,ir=1,(nx-1))
82  do ir=1,(nx-1)
83  do s=1,nstk
84  otdwnz(s,is,ir,it) = tdwnz(s,it,ir,is)*pi
85  enddo
86  enddo
87 c enddo
88 5568 continue
89 c*****format statements*************************************************
90 c
91 6659 format(t1,'fluxes')
92 6660 format(t8,'sza',t32,f6.1,t40,'f0_top',t64,1pe12.4)
93 6661 format(t8,'fdir_btm',t26,1pe12.4,t40,'fdif_btm',t64,1pe12.4)
94 6662 format(t8,'sbar',t26,1pe12.4,t40,'f0_top',t64,1pe12.4)
95 6664 format('phi theta',7(2x,f5.1,3x)/3(9x,7(2x,f5.1,3x)/))
96 6665 format(t1,'t function'/)
97 6667 format(i3,6x,1p7e10.3/3(9x,1p7e10.3/))
98 6668 format(t1,'radiances (f0=pi)')
99 6672 format(t8,'fdif_up',t26,1pe12.4,t40,'sbar',t64,1pe12.4)
100 c***********************************************************************
101  return
102  end
103 c**********************************************************************
#define real
Definition: DbAlgOcean.cpp:26
subroutine outdtz(otupz, oxzeroz, otdwnz, oxzerod)
Definition: outdtz.f:2
#define pi
Definition: vincenty.c:23
subroutine headr(iprn)
Definition: headr.f:2