Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* =================================================================== */
2 /* module swim.c - Shallow Water Inversion Model */
3 /* */
4 /* This module contains the functions to optimize and evaluate the */
5 /* SWIM Bio-optical model. The SWIM algorithm was designed to improve */
6 /* retrievals in optically shallow waters by considering both water */
7 /* column depth and benthic albedo */
8 /* */
9 /* References: */
10 /* McKinna et al (2015) A semianalytical ocean color */
11 /* inversion algorithm with explicit water-column depth and substrate */
12 /* reflectance parameterization, JGR Oceans, 120, */
13 /* doi: 10.1002/2014JC010224 */
14 /* */
15 /* Reichstetter et al (2014) Seafloor brightness map of the Great */
16 /* Barrier Reef, Australia, derived from biodiversity data, PANGEA, */
17 /* doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.835979 */
18 /* */
19 /* Implementation: */
20 /* L. McKinna and D. Shea, NASA/OBPG/SAIC, March 2015 */
21 /* */
22 /* Notes: */
23 /* In lieu of user-supplied data: */
24 /* - Uses ETOP01 as default bathymetry. */
25 /* - Uses single albedo spectrum as default. */
26 /* =================================================================== */
28 #include <stdio.h>
29 #include <math.h>
30 #include <levmar.h>
31 #include <netcdf.h>
33 #include "l12_proto.h"
35 #define NPAR 3 //Number of free model parameters
36 #define MAXITR 1500 //Maximum number of LM optimisation iterations
37 static int32_t swimScanNum = -1; //last scan num that the model was calculated for
38 static int32_t LastRecNum = -1;
40 static int32_t* lambda; //array holding wavelengths for this sensor
41 static int32_t nbandVis; //number of visible bands for a given sensor
43 //output product pointers
44 static float *adg; // adg value for the scan line adg[pix, band]
45 static float *bbp; // bbp value for the scan line bbp[pix, band]
46 static float *aph; // aph value for the scan line aph[pix, band]
47 static float *atot; // atot value for the scan line atot[pix, band]
48 static float *bbtot; // bbtot value for the scan line bbtot[pix, band]
49 static int16 *iter;
51 //Bio-optical model parameters
52 static float *aphstar; //spectral shape of phyto abs (aphstar[band])
53 static float *adgstar; //spectral shape of detritus + cdom abs (adgstar[band])
54 static float *bbpstar; //spectral shape of particle backscat (bbpstar[band])
55 static float *aw; //pure water abs spectra (aw[band])
56 static float *bbw; //pure water backscat spectra (bbw[band])
58 //static float grd1 = 0.0949; //the "g0" coefficient in rrs function Lee et al 1998
59 //static float grd2 = 0.0794; //the "g1" coefficient in rrs function Lee et al 1998
61 static const double grd1 = 0.08945; //the "g0" coefficient in rrs function Lee et al 2002
62 static const double grd2 = 0.1247; //the "g1" coefficient in rrs function Lee et al 2002
64 static double invCosSolz; // 1.0 / cos(solar_zenith_angle)
65 static double invCosSenz; // 1.0/ cos(sensor_viewing_angle)
66 static double depth; // depth at this pixel
68 // variables for reading the benthic netCDF file
69 static int ncfile; // netCDF file ID
70 static int benthicProportionId; // netCDF variable id for benthicProportion
71 static int benthicROutOfBounds; // binary flag, pixel not within supplied benthic reflectance lat/lon grid
72 static int benthicRFileExist; // binary flag, benthic reflectance file supplied to l2gen or not.
73 static size_t numLat; // number of latitudes in the benthicProportion array
74 static size_t numLon; // number of longitudes in the benthicProportion array
75 static size_t numBottomTypes; // number of bottom types in the benthicProportion array
76 static double upperLat; // latitude of benthicProportion[0][0][bottomType]
77 static double lowerLat; // latitude of benthicProportion[numLat-1][0][bottomType]
78 static double deltaLat; // latitude grid spacing
79 static double leftLon; // longitude of benthicProportion[0][0][bottomType]
80 static double rightLon; // longitude of benthicProportion[0][numLon-1][bottomType]
81 static double deltaLon; // longitude grid spacing
83 static double* reflectance; // bottom reflectance for each sensor wavelength (reflectance[bottomType][band])
84 static double* benthicRefl; // bottom percent for this pixel (benthicRefl[band])
86 //Hard code in a regional chlorophyll-specific phytoplankton spectra
87 //for tropical waters (collected in southern GBR).
88 static float taphw[10] = {412.0, 443.0, 469.0, 488.0, 531.0, 551.0, 555.0,
89  645.0, 667.0, 678.0};
90 static float taphs[10] = {0.840353901, 1.0, 0.821449702, 0.689387045,
91  0.217028284, 0.14646583, 0.134941382, 0.122233711, 0.291530253,
92  0.356272348};
94 //Hard code in a default benthic albedo in the case there is no default global albedo file found,
95 //or data is out of lat/lon bounds.
96 static float reflw[10] = {412.0, 443.0, 469.0, 488.0, 531.0, 551.0, 555.0,
97  645.0, 667.0, 678.0};
98 static float refls[10] = {0.167663599, 0.197465145, 0.224745351, 0.24005827,
99  0.28106442, 0.297352629, 0.30027302, 0.337329977, 0.309064323, 0.310894269};
101 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
102 /* swim_ran() - determine if swim has been run for scanline */
103 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
104 int swim_ran(int recnum)
105 {
106  if ( recnum == LastRecNum )
107  return 1;
108  else
109  return 0;
110 }
112 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
113 /* getAttr() - get an attribute from the global ncfile. Use NC_GLOBAL for */
114 /* varid to get global attributes */
116 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
117 double getAttr(int varid, char* attrName) {
118  double val;
119  if (nc_get_att_double(ncfile, varid, attrName, &val) != NC_NOERR) {
120  fprintf(stderr,
121  "-E- %s line %d: could get attribute %s from netCDF File.\n",
122  __FILE__, __LINE__, attrName);
123  exit(1);
124  }
125  return val;
126 }
128 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
129 /* getVarId() - get variable ID from the global ncfile. */
131 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
132 int getVarId(char* name) {
133  int varid;
134  if (nc_inq_varid(ncfile, name, &varid) != NC_NOERR) {
135  fprintf(stderr, "-E- %s line %d: could not find %s in netCDF File.\n",
136  __FILE__, __LINE__, name);
137  exit(1);
138  }
139  return varid;
140 }
142 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
143 /* getDimensionId() - get the dimension IDs from a variable */
145 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
146 void getDimensionIds(int varid, int* dimIds) {
147  if (nc_inq_vardimid(ncfile, varid, dimIds) != NC_NOERR) {
148  char name[NC_MAX_NAME];
149  nc_inq_varname(ncfile, varid, name);
150  fprintf(stderr,
151  "-E- %s line %d: could not find dimension Ids of %s in netCDF File.\n",
152  __FILE__, __LINE__, name);
153  exit(1);
154  }
155 }
157 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
158 /* getDimensionLength() - get the length of the dimension ID */
160 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
161 size_t getDimensionLength(int dimId) {
162  size_t length;
163  if (nc_inq_dimlen(ncfile, dimId, &length) != NC_NOERR) {
164  char name[NC_MAX_NAME];
165  nc_inq_dim(ncfile, dimId, name, &length);
166  fprintf(stderr,
167  "-E- %s line %d: could not get size of dimension \"%s\" in netCDF File.\n",
168  __FILE__, __LINE__, name);
169  exit(1);
170  }
171  return length;
172 }
174 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
175 /* initBenthicFile() - init the global variables from the bottom */
176 /* reflectance netCDF file */
178 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
179 void initBenthicFile(char* fileName) {
180  int varid;
181  int dimIds[3];
182  size_t bottom;
183  int band;
184  size_t numWavelengths; // number of wavelengths in reflectance array
185  double firstWavelength; // wavelength of reflectance[0]
186  double deltaWavelength; // delta between each wavelength of reflectance
187  double reflectanceScale; // reflectance scale factor
188  double reflectanceOffset; // reflectance offset
190  //Was a benthic reflectance filename supplied?
191  if (strlen(fileName) != 0) {
192  printf("\n");
193  printf("Reading benthic reflectance from: %s \n", fileName);
194  printf("\n");
195  benthicRFileExist = 1;
196  } else {
197  printf("\n");
198  printf("-E- No benthic reflectance file supplied: use default benthic albedo spectra \n");
199  printf("\n");
200  benthicRFileExist = 0;
201  //Return out of function
202  return;
203  }
205  //If file exists and cannot be read, exit and print error
206  if (benthicRFileExist) {
207  if (nc_open(fileName, NC_NOWRITE, &ncfile) != NC_NOERR) {
208  fprintf(stderr, "-E- %s line %d: could not open netCDF File \"%s\".\n",
209  __FILE__, __LINE__, fileName);
210  exit(1);
211  }
212  }
214  lowerLat = getAttr(NC_GLOBAL, "lower_lat");
215  upperLat = getAttr(NC_GLOBAL, "upper_lat");
216  leftLon = getAttr(NC_GLOBAL, "left_lon");
217  rightLon = getAttr(NC_GLOBAL, "right_lon");
219  // normalize the lons
220  while (leftLon > 180.0)
221  leftLon -= 360.0;
222  while (leftLon < -180.0)
223  leftLon += 360.0;
224  while (rightLon > 180.0)
225  rightLon -= 360.0;
226  while (rightLon < -180.0)
227  rightLon += 360.0;
228  while (rightLon <= leftLon)
229  rightLon += 360.0;
231  firstWavelength = getAttr(NC_GLOBAL, "firstWavelength");
232  deltaWavelength = getAttr(NC_GLOBAL, "deltaWavelength");
234  // make sure deltaWavelength is valid
235  if (deltaWavelength <= 0) {
236  fprintf(stderr,
237  "-E- %s line %d: deltaWavelength must be > 0 in netCDF File \"%s\".\n",
238  __FILE__, __LINE__, fileName);
239  exit(1);
240  }
242  varid = getVarId("reflectance");
244  // get reflectance scale and offset
245  reflectanceScale = 1.0 / getAttr(varid, "scale_factor");
246  reflectanceOffset = getAttr(varid, "add_offset");
248  getDimensionIds(varid, dimIds);
249  numBottomTypes = getDimensionLength(dimIds[0]);
250  numWavelengths = getDimensionLength(dimIds[1]);
252  // allocate global variable
253  reflectance = (double*) allocateMemory(
254  numBottomTypes * nbandVis * sizeof (double), "reflectance");
256  size_t start[2];
257  size_t count[2];
258  count[0] = 1;
260  // load up reflectance for each bottom type for each sensor wavelength
261  for (bottom = 0; bottom < numBottomTypes; bottom++) {
262  start[0] = bottom;
263  for (band = 0; band < nbandVis; band++) {
265  // average an 11nm band width
266  if (lambda[band] < firstWavelength) {
267  reflectance[bottom * nbandVis + band] = 0.0;
268  continue;
269  }
270  int firstIndex = round(
271  (lambda[band] - 5 - firstWavelength) / deltaWavelength);
272  if (firstIndex < 0)
273  firstIndex = 0;
274  if (firstIndex >= numWavelengths) {
275  reflectance[bottom * nbandVis + band] = 0.0;
276  continue;
277  }
278  int numIndex = round(11.0 / deltaWavelength);
279  if (firstIndex + numIndex >= numWavelengths) {
280  numIndex = numWavelengths - firstIndex;
281  }
282  if (numIndex < 1)
283  numIndex = 1;
285  start[1] = firstIndex;
286  count[1] = numIndex;
288  ushort tmpShort[numIndex];
289  if (nc_get_vara_ushort(ncfile, varid, start, count,
290  tmpShort) != NC_NOERR) {
291  fprintf(stderr,
292  "-E- %s line %d: could not read values of reflectance in netCDF File \"%s\".\n",
293  __FILE__, __LINE__, fileName);
294  exit(1);
295  }
297  // average the 11nm wide readings and scale
298  int i;
299  double sum = 0.0;
300  for (i = 0; i < numIndex; i++)
301  sum += tmpShort[i];
302  reflectance[bottom * nbandVis + band] = sum / numIndex
303  * reflectanceScale + reflectanceOffset;
305  } // for bands
306  } // for bottoms
308  // get dimensions of the benthicProportion variable
309  benthicProportionId = getVarId("benthicProportion");
311  getDimensionIds(benthicProportionId, dimIds);
312  numLat = getDimensionLength(dimIds[0]);
313  numLon = getDimensionLength(dimIds[1]);
314  size_t tmpSize = getDimensionLength(dimIds[2]);
316  if (tmpSize != numBottomTypes) {
317  fprintf(stderr,
318  "-E- %s line %d: numBottomTypes in benthicProportion is not the same as in reflectance in netCDF File \"%s\".\n",
319  __FILE__, __LINE__, fileName);
320  exit(1);
321  }
323  deltaLat = (upperLat - lowerLat) / numLat;
324  deltaLon = (rightLon - leftLon) / numLon;
326 }
328 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
329 /* getDefaultBenthicR() - get default benthic reflectance spectra and */
330 /* interpolate to sensor wavelengths */
332 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
335  static int32_t refln = -1;
336  int band;
338  /* read default benthic reflectance table size */
339  refln = 0;
340  for (refln = 0; refln < nbandVis; refln++) {
341  if (reflw[refln] < 0) {
342  break;
343  }
344  }
346  /*Interploate the hard-coded benthic albedo to sensor wavelenghth*/
347  for (band = 0; band < nbandVis; band++) {
348  benthicRefl[band] = linterp(reflw, refls, refln, lambda[band]);
349  }
351 }
353 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
354 /* getBottomReflectance() - get the benthic reflectance for this pixel */
355 /* into benthicRefl global array */
357 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
358 void getBottomReflectance(float lat, float lon) {
359  int latIndex;
360  int lonIndex;
361  int latFlag = 0;
362  int lonFlag = 0;
364  int band;
365  int bottom;
366  double sum;
368  // see if coordinate is covered by the file
369  if (lat < lowerLat || lat > upperLat) {
370  latFlag = 1;
371  }
373  // see if coordinate is covered by the file
374  if (lon < leftLon || lon > rightLon) {
375  lonFlag = 1;
376  }
378  //If the pixel is outside the lat/lon range of the user input benthic albedo file,
379  // a default hard-coded sand benthic albedo is used.
380  if (latFlag || lonFlag) {
381  //Set benthic out of bounds flag to 1;
382  benthicROutOfBounds = 1;
384  //Call function to interpolate default benthic reflectance
387  //Break out of getBottomReflectance function
388  return;
390  } else {
391  /*Else the pixel is within the user-supplied benthic albedo file*/
392  //Set benthic out of bounds flag to 0;
393  benthicROutOfBounds = 0;
394  }
396  //printf("benthic out of bounds = %d \n",benthicROutOfBounds);
397  latIndex = (lat - lowerLat) / deltaLat;
398  lonIndex = (lon - leftLon) / deltaLon;
400  size_t start[3];
401  start[0] = latIndex;
402  start[1] = lonIndex;
403  start[2] = 0;
404  size_t count[3];
405  count[0] = 1;
406  count[1] = 1;
407  count[2] = numBottomTypes;
409  uint8_t benthicPercent[numBottomTypes];
410  if (nc_get_vara_uchar(ncfile, benthicProportionId, start, count,
411  benthicPercent) != NC_NOERR) {
412  fprintf(stderr,
413  "-E- %s line %d: could not read values from benthicProportion in netCDF File.\n",
414  __FILE__, __LINE__);
415  exit(1);
416  }
418  for (band = 0; band < nbandVis; band++) {
419  sum = 0.0;
420  for (bottom = 0; bottom < numBottomTypes; bottom++) {
421  sum += reflectance[bottom * nbandVis + band] * benthicPercent[bottom]
422  / 100.0;
423  }
425  benthicRefl[band] = sum;
426  }
427 }
429 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
430 /* swim_func() - optically shallow semianlytical reflectance model */
432 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
433 void swim_func(double *initialParams, double *rrsTotal, int numParams,
434  int numBands, void* dataPtr) {
436  int iw; //iterator
437  double rrsDeep; //deep water rrs term
438  double rrsColumn; //water column rrs term
439  double rrsBenthos; //bottom contribution rrs term
440  double bb; //total backscattering coefficient
441  double ac; //total absorption coefficient
442  double kappa; //kappa = ac + bb
443  double u; //u = bb_total/(kappa)
444  double duC; // Upward attenuation term
445  double duB; // Downward attenuation term
447  //-------------------------------------------//
448  /* Shallow water sub-surface reflectance model*/
449  //-------------------------------------------//
450  // Iterate over wavelengths
451  for (iw = 0; iw < numBands; iw++) {
453  //Calculate the bulk IOPs
454  ac = aw[iw] + initialParams[0] * aphstar[iw]
455  + initialParams[1] * adgstar[iw];
456  bb = bbw[iw] + initialParams[2] * bbpstar[iw];
459  //Attenuation coefficients
460  kappa = bb + ac;
461  u = bb / kappa;
463  //Pathlength elongation factors
464  duC = 1.03 * pow((1 + 2.48 * u), 0.5);
465  duB = 1.04 * pow((1.54 + 5.4 * u), 0.5);
467  //Deep water reflectance
468  rrsDeep = grd1 * u + grd2 * pow(u, 2);
470  //Water column term
471  rrsColumn = rrsDeep
472  * (1.0
473  + exp(
474  -1.0 * kappa * depth
475  * (invCosSolz + (duC * invCosSenz))));
477  //Bottom contribution term
478  rrsBenthos = (benthicRefl[iw] / M_PI)
479  * exp(-1.0 * kappa * depth * (invCosSolz + (duB * invCosSenz)));
481  rrsTotal[iw] = rrsColumn + rrsBenthos;
483  }
484 }
486 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
487 /* run_swim() - calculates the SWIM model for full scanline */
489 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
490 void run_swim(l2str *l2rec) {
492  //Declare variables
493  static int32_t taphn = -1;
494  //static float *taphw = NULL;
495  //static float *taphs = NULL;
496  static float adg_s = -1;
497  static float bbp_s = -1;
499  //Iterators indexes
500  int i, iw;
501  int validr;
502  int statusLM;
503  l1str *l1rec = l2rec->l1rec;
504  filehandle *l1file = l1rec->l1file;
505  double Rrs; //above-water observed remote sensing reflectance
506  double rrs_s[l1rec->l1file->nbands]; //Array holding sub-surface observed remote sensing reflectance
507  // double rrs_a[l1rec->l1file->nbands]; //Array holding above-water observed remote sensing reflectance
508  double fitParams[NPAR]; //Array for holding initial guesses for aph440, adg440, bbp550
509  double opts[LM_OPTS_SZ]; //Atray for holding Levmar optionsfloat get_benthic_r(float wave, float chl)
510  double info[LM_INFO_SZ]; //Array for holding Levmar info
512  float aph443; //the value of phyto abs at 443 nm
513  float bbp443; //the value of detritus + cdom abs at 443 nm
514  float adg443; //the value of particle backscatter 443 nm
516  int defaultRefl; //binary flag, was default reflectance used?
518  // first check to see if this is the first time we have run
519  // so we can allocate memory and init stuff
520  if (swimScanNum == -1) {
522  /* limit to visible wavelengths */
523  nbandVis = rdsensorinfo(l1file->sensorID, l1_input->evalmask,
524  "NbandsVIS", NULL);
526  /*Get the wavelengths - needed for IOP spectral models*/
527  rdsensorinfo(l1file->sensorID, l1_input->evalmask, "Lambda",
528  (void**) &lambda);
530  /*Allocate memory*/
531  adg = (float*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (float),
532  "adg");
533  bbp = (float*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (float),
534  "bbp");
535  aph = (float*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (float),
536  "aph");
537  atot = (float*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (float),
538  "atot");
539  bbtot = (float*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (float),
540  "bbtot");
541  iter = (int16*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (int16),
542  "iter");
543  aphstar = (float*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (float),
544  "aphstar");
545  adgstar = (float*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (float),
546  "adgstar");
547  bbpstar = (float*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (float),
548  "bbpstar");
549  aw = (float*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (float),
550  "aw");
551  bbw = (float*) allocateMemory(l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (float),
552  "bbw");
553  benthicRefl = (double*) allocateMemory(
554  l1rec->npix * nbandVis * sizeof (double), "benthicRefl");
556  /*--------------------------------------------------------*/
557  /*IOP models ar defined once here and allocated to memory */
558  /*--------------------------------------------------------*/
560  /*Need to load up the model coefficient shapes (aph*, adg*, bbp*)*/
561  /* set adg slope and bbp power law static coefficients */
562  adg_s = 0.017;
563  bbp_s = 1.0;
565  /* read aphstar table size */
566  taphn = 0;
567  for (taphn = 0; taphn < nbandVis; taphn++)
568  if (taphw[taphn] < 0)
569  break;
571  /*Loop over wavelengths */
572  for (iw = 0; iw < nbandVis; iw++) {
574  /*Phytoplankton absorption shape*/
575  aphstar[iw] = linterp(taphw, taphs, taphn, lambda[iw]);
577  //printf("aphi = %f @ lambda = %d \n", aphstar[iw], lambda[iw] );
579  /*Coloured dissolved and detrital matter absorption shape*/
580  adgstar[iw] = exp(-adg_s * (lambda[iw] - 443.0));
582  /*Particulate matter backscatter shape*/
583  bbpstar[iw] = pow((443.0 / lambda[iw]), bbp_s);
585  /*Pure water absorption coefficient*/
586  aw[iw] = aw_spectra(lambda[iw], BANDW);
588  /*Pure water backscatter coefficient*/
589  bbw[iw] = bbw_spectra(lambda[iw], BANDW);
590  }
592  /*Begin reading benthic reflectance data*/
593  initBenthicFile(input->breflectfile);
594  }
596  /*record that we have run the model on this scan line*/
597  swimScanNum = l1rec->iscan;
599  /*----------------------------------------*/
600  /* Iterate through pixels */
601  /*----------------------------------------*/
602  for (i = 0; i < l1rec->npix; i++) {
604  // init the spectral outputs
605  for (iw = 0; iw < nbandVis; iw++) {
606  adg[i * nbandVis + iw] = BAD_FLT;
607  bbp[i * nbandVis + iw] = BAD_FLT;
608  aph[i * nbandVis + iw] = BAD_FLT;
609  atot[i * nbandVis + iw] = BAD_FLT;
610  bbtot[i * nbandVis + iw] = BAD_FLT;
611  iter[i * nbandVis + iw] = 0;
612  }
614  //Set status to default value of 0.
615  validr = 0;
617  //Use the quality control from GSM to flag bad pixelsparamFit
618  if (l1rec->mask[i] == 0) {
620  /* Solar and Sensor Viewing Geometry */
621  double solzRad = (l1rec->solz[i] * M_PI) / 180.0; /*Convert to radians*/
622  double senzRad = (l1rec->senz[i] * M_PI) / 180.0; /*convert to radians*/
623  invCosSolz = 1.0 / cos(solzRad); /*Check rad or deg */
624  invCosSenz = 1.0 / cos(senzRad); /*Check rad or deg */
626  depth = 0 - l1rec->dem[i];
628  for (iw = 0; iw < nbandVis; iw++) {
629  Rrs = l2rec->Rrs[i * l1file->nbands + iw];
630  // rrs_a[iw] = Rrs;
631  //Sub-surface remote sensing reflectance
632  rrs_s[iw] = Rrs / (0.52 + 1.7 * Rrs);
633  if (rrs_s[iw] >= 0.0)
634  validr = validr + 1;
635  }
637  /* if less than 3 valid radiances, fail pixel */
638  if (validr <= 3) {
639  l1rec->flags[i] |= PRODFAIL;
640  continue;
641  }
643  /*---------------------------------------------------*/
644  /* fill up the benthicRefl global array */
645  defaultRefl = -1;
646  if (!benthicRFileExist) {
648  if (defaultRefl < 0) {
649  //call function to interpolate default reflectance
652  //Assign this flag so the default reflectance does not
653  //need to be calculated multiple times.
654  defaultRefl = 1;
655  }
657  } else {
658  getBottomReflectance(l1rec->lat[i], l1rec->lon[i]);
659  }
662  /*If the hard-coded reflectance is used, set l2flag to PRODWARN
663  if ( benthicROutOfBounds ) {
664  l2rec->flags[i] |= PRODWARN;
665  };*/
667  /*---------------------------------------------------*/
668  /* fit model for this pixel using levmar optimisation*/
669  /*---------------------------------------------------*/
671  /*Initial guess (LM starting points)*/
672  fitParams[0] = 0.2;
673  fitParams[1] = 0.01;
674  fitParams[2] = 0.001;
676  /*Optimisation control parameters*/
677  opts[0] = 1E-3; //1E-3 LM_INIT_MU; /* scale factor for initial mu */
678  opts[1] = 1E-10; //1E-10 LM_INIT_MU; convergence in gradient
679  opts[2] = 1E-5; //1E-5 relative error desired in the approximate solution
680  opts[3] = 1E-7; //1E-7 relative error desired in the sum of squares
681  opts[4] = 1E-6; //1E-6 LM_DIFF_DELTA; /*step used in difference approximation to the Jacobian*/
683  /*Set box constraints*/
684  /*L/U Bounds inferred from Werdell et al. 2013*/
685  double lowerBounds[NPAR] = {-0.0003755, -0.0003755, -0.0001195625}; //Lower bounds for three parameters
686  double upperBounds[NPAR] = {5.0, 5.0, 5.0}; //Upper bounds for three parameters
687  int m = NPAR;
688  int n = nbandVis;
689  int maxit = MAXITR;
691  /*Run optimization*/
692  /*levmar routine (dlevmar), box contstraints (bc), numerical partials (diff)*/
693  //For further details, see source code in: lmbc_core.c //
694  statusLM = dlevmar_bc_dif(swim_func, fitParams, rrs_s, m, n,
695  lowerBounds, upperBounds, NULL, maxit, opts, info, NULL,
696  NULL, NULL);
698  /*---------------------------------------------------*/
699  /* Write products to arrays */
700  /*---------------------------------------------------*/
702  /* save results and flag failure */
703  //printf("num iteration %f \n",info[5]);
704  //if (statusLM <= 0 || info[5] == maxit) {
705  if (statusLM <= 0) {
706  l1rec->flags[i] |= PRODFAIL;
708  } else {
709  /*Output results and calculate IOPs*/
710  aph443 = fitParams[0]; //absorption of phytoplankton at 443 nm band
711  adg443 = fitParams[1]; //absorption of detritus + cdom at 443 nm band
712  bbp443 = fitParams[2]; //particle backscattering at 443 nm band
714  /*calculate spectral IOPs for output*/
715  for (iw = 0; iw < nbandVis; iw++) {
717  //absorption of phytoplankton
718  //Note: have normalised aphi440=1.0 - fix later with regional aphi
719  //Free parameter in model thus aph443 rather than Chl
720  aph[i * nbandVis + iw] = aph443 * aphstar[iw];
721  adg[i * nbandVis + iw] = adg443 * adgstar[iw]; //absorption detritus + cdom
722  bbp[i * nbandVis + iw] = bbp443 * bbpstar[iw]; //backscattering of particles
723  atot[i * nbandVis + iw] = aw[iw] + aph443 * aphstar[iw]
724  + adg443 * adgstar[iw]; //total absorption
725  bbtot[i * nbandVis + iw] = bbw[iw] + bbp443 * bbpstar[iw]; //total backscattering
727  }
728  }
730  }
731  }
733  LastRecNum = l1rec->iscan;
735 }
737 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
738 /* get_swim() - returns requested swim product for full scanline */
740 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
741 void get_swim(l2str *l2rec, l2prodstr *p, float prod[]) {
743  int32_t ip;
744  l1str *l1rec = l2rec->l1rec;
746  if (!swim_ran(l1rec->iscan)) {
747  run_swim(l2rec);
748  }
750  int bandNum = p->prod_ix;
751  if (bandNum < 0) {
752  printf("-E- %s line %d : prod_ix must be positive, prod_ix=%d\n",
753  __FILE__, __LINE__, p->prod_ix);
754  exit(1);
755  }
756  if (bandNum >= nbandVis) {
757  printf(
758  "-E- %s line %d : prod_ix must be less than numBands=%d, prod_ix=%d\n",
759  __FILE__, __LINE__, nbandVis, p->prod_ix);
760  exit(1);
761  }
763  for (ip = 0; ip < l2rec->l1rec->npix; ip++) {
765  switch (p->cat_ix) {
767  case CAT_a_swim:
768  prod[ip] = atot[ip * nbandVis + bandNum];
769  break;
771  case CAT_bb_swim:
772  prod[ip] = bbtot[ip * nbandVis + bandNum];
773  break;
775  case CAT_adg_swim:
776  prod[ip] = adg[ip * nbandVis + bandNum];
777  break;
779  case CAT_aph_swim:
780  prod[ip] = aph[ip * nbandVis + bandNum];
781  break;
783  case CAT_bbp_swim:
784  prod[ip] = bbp[ip * nbandVis + bandNum];
785  break;
787  default:
788  printf("-E- %s line %d : erroneous product ID %d passed to swim.\n",
789  __FILE__, __LINE__, p->cat_ix);
790  exit(1);
791  }
792  }
793 }
795 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
796 /* interface to convl12() to return SWIM bulk iops */
798 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
799 void iops_swim(l2str *l2rec) {
801  int ib, ip;
802  l1str *l1rec = l2rec->l1rec;
804  if (!swim_ran(l1rec->iscan)) {
805  run_swim(l2rec);
806  }
808  for (ip = 0; ip < l1rec->npix; ip++) {
809  for (ib = 0; ib < nbandVis; ib++) {
810  l2rec->a[ip * l1rec->l1file->nbands + ib] = atot[ip * nbandVis + ib];
811  l2rec->bb[ip * l1rec->l1file->nbands + ib] = bbtot[ip * nbandVis + ib];
813  }
814  }
816  return;
817 }
819 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int32 l1file(int32 sdfid, int32 *nsamp, int32 *nscans, int16 *dtynum)
Definition: l1stat_chk.c:586
#define MAXITR
Definition: swim.c:36
integer, parameter int16
Definition: cubeio.f90:3
#define NPAR
Definition: swim.c:35
void getBottomReflectance(float lat, float lon)
Definition: swim.c:358
int maxit
size_t getDimensionLength(int dimId)
Definition: swim.c:161
void * allocateMemory(size_t numBytes, const char *name)
Definition: allocateMemory.c:7
#define NULL
Definition: decode_rs.h:63
read l1rec
PARAM_TYPE_NONE Default value No parameter is buried in the product name name_prefix is case insensitive string compared to the product name PARAM_TYPE_VIS_WAVE The visible wavelength bands from the sensor are buried in the product name The product name is compared by appending and name_suffix ie aph_412_giop where prod_ix will be set to PARAM_TYPE_IR_WAVE same search method as PARAM_TYPE_VIS_WAVE except only wavelength above are looped through but prod_ix is still based ie aph_2_giop for the second band
void initBenthicFile(char *fileName)
Definition: swim.c:179
#define CAT_bbp_swim
Definition: l2prod.h:280
float * lat
#define PRODFAIL
Definition: l2_flags.h:41
data_t lambda[NROOTS+1]
Definition: decode_rs.h:75
void get_swim(l2str *l2rec, l2prodstr *p, float prod[])
Definition: swim.c:741
#define CAT_a_swim
Definition: l2prod.h:276
instr * input
double getAttr(int varid, char *attrName)
Definition: swim.c:117
#define CAT_aph_swim
Definition: l2prod.h:279
read recnum
float linterp(float xin[], float yin[], int32_t nin, float xout)
Definition: lspline.c:59
#define CAT_adg_swim
Definition: l2prod.h:278
void getDefaultBenthicR()
Definition: swim.c:333
void getDimensionIds(int varid, int *dimIds)
Definition: swim.c:146
float aw_spectra(int32_t wl, int32_t width)
l1_input_t * l1_input
Definition: l1_options.c:9
float bbw_spectra(int32_t wl, int32_t width)
#define M_PI
Definition: pml_iop.h:15
float * ac[MAX_BANDS]
int swim_ran(int recnum)
Definition: swim.c:104
int getVarId(char *name)
Definition: swim.c:132
#define BAD_FLT
Definition: jplaeriallib.h:19
data_t u
Definition: decode_rs.h:74
float * lon
void swim_func(double *initialParams, double *rrsTotal, int numParams, int numBands, void *dataPtr)
Definition: swim.c:433
int32_t rdsensorinfo(int32_t, int32_t, const char *, void **)
Definition: rdsensorinfo.c:69
#define BANDW
Definition: l1.h:52
#define CAT_bb_swim
Definition: l2prod.h:277
int i
Definition: decode_rs.h:71
msiBandIdx val
Definition: l1c_msi.cpp:34
unsigned short ushort
Definition: l1b_viirs_nc.c:16
void iops_swim(l2str *l2rec)
Definition: swim.c:799
void run_swim(l2str *l2rec)
Definition: swim.c:490
float p[MODELMAX]
Definition: atrem_corl1.h:131
int count
Definition: decode_rs.h:79