NASA Ocean Color Research Team (OCRT)

NASA Ocean Color Research Team (OCRT)

Meeting Agenda
5-7 May 2014 (Washington, D.C.)

MON - 5 May

NASA Headquarters Update

8:30-9:00 Update for NASA's Earth Science Division and Research and Analysis programs - J. Kaye/NASA Headquarters

NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group Updates

10:40-11:00 lunch
11:00-11:20 SeaDAS Updates - S. Bailey/NASA GSFC - FutureTech
12:00-1:30 LUNCH - (on your own)

Field Project Updates

1:30-2:00 Ship-Aircraft Bio-Optical Research (SABOR) campaign - I. Cetinic/Univ. of Maine
3:00-3:30 lunch
4:00-4:30 Arctic COastal Land Ocean InteRactions Scoping Study (Arctic-COLORS) - J. Salisbury/Univ. of New Hampshire
5:20 adjorn
5:30-6:30 Poster Session

TUES - 6 May

Beyond PACE: Advanced Planning for Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry

9:10-9:40 The Science of PACE - What PACE Can and Cannot Do - C. DelCastillo/NASA GSFC
9:40-10:10 Beyond PACE: Future measurements requirements for fully coupled biogeochemical models - A. Gnanadeskan/JHU
10:30-11:00 lunch
12:00-1:30 LUNCH - (on your own)

Project Updates

1:30-2:00 Future Earth/IMBER and results from the North Atlantic-Arctic workshop - E. Hofmann/Old Dominion University
2:00-2:15 Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study Update - B. Miller/University of Georgia
2:15-2:45 Arctic Productivity Round Robin - P. Matrai /Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
3:15-3:45 lunch
4:45-5:15 Seasonal, Interannual and Interdecadal Variability in Global Phytoplankton Community Size Structure Derived From Ocean Color Remote Sensing and IPCC-Class Ecosystem Models- I. Marinov/Univ. of Pennsylvania
5:15 adjorn
5:30-6:30 Poster Session

WED - 7 May

Project Updates

10:00-10:30 lunch
11:00-11:30 Closure of particle backscattering coefficient in oligotrophic waters - Z. Lee/Univ. of Massachusetts - Boston
11:30-12:00 Open discussion/Community Q&A on OBB activities/Next OCRT/IOCS - P. Bontempi/NASA Headquarters
12:00 adjorn