Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
atmospheric_correction_module Module Reference


subroutine, public atmospheric_correction (xpoint, ypoint, iteration, meas_out, model, debug, status)
subroutine gettransmittancedata (KDIM_1WAY, KDIM_2WAY, BigTauTable, BigSdevTable, p, tpw, miu0, miu1, tau1way, tau2way, sdev1way, sdev2way, errorLevel)
subroutine gettransmittance_simple (BigTauTable, p, tpw, miu0, miu1, tau2way, errorLevel)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ atmospheric_correction()

subroutine, public atmospheric_correction_module::atmospheric_correction ( integer, intent(in)  xpoint,
integer, intent(in)  ypoint,
integer, intent(in)  iteration,
real, dimension(:), intent(inout)  meas_out,
type(ancillary_type), intent(in)  model,
logical, intent(in)  debug,
integer, intent(out)  status 

Definition at line 125 of file atmospheric_correction.f90.

◆ gettransmittance_simple()

subroutine atmospheric_correction_module::gettransmittance_simple ( real, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in)  BigTauTable,
real, intent(in)  p,
real, intent(in)  tpw,
real, intent(in)  miu0,
real, intent(in)  miu1,
real, dimension(:), intent(out)  tau2way,
integer, intent(out)  errorLevel 

Definition at line 775 of file atmospheric_correction.f90.

◆ gettransmittancedata()

subroutine atmospheric_correction_module::gettransmittancedata ( integer, intent(in)  KDIM_1WAY,
integer, intent(in)  KDIM_2WAY,
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in)  BigTauTable,
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in)  BigSdevTable,
real, intent(in)  p,
real, intent(in)  tpw,
real, intent(in)  miu0,
real, intent(in)  miu1,
real, dimension(kdim_1way), intent(out)  tau1way,
real, dimension(kdim_2way), intent(out)  tau2way,
real, dimension(kdim_1way), intent(out)  sdev1way,
real, dimension(kdim_2way), intent(out)  sdev2way,
integer, intent(out)  errorLevel 

Definition at line 413 of file atmospheric_correction.f90.