Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
ancillary_type Type Reference

Public Attributes

real, dimension(:), allocatable mixr_profile
real, dimension(:), allocatable temp_profile
real, dimension(:), allocatable height_profile
real, dimension(:), allocatable pressure_profile
real, dimension(:), allocatable o3_profile
real wind_speed
real ts
real ps
real col_o3
real seaice_fraction
real snow_fraction
integer *1 surface_level
integer *1 trop_level
integer *1 lsm

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file global_model_grids.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ col_o3

real col_o3

Definition at line 26 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ height_profile

real, dimension(:), allocatable height_profile

Definition at line 18 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ lsm

integer*1 lsm

Definition at line 33 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ mixr_profile

real, dimension(:), allocatable mixr_profile

Definition at line 16 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ o3_profile

real, dimension(:), allocatable o3_profile

Definition at line 20 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ pressure_profile

real, dimension(:), allocatable pressure_profile

Definition at line 19 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ ps

real ps

Definition at line 25 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ seaice_fraction

real seaice_fraction

Definition at line 28 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ snow_fraction

real snow_fraction

Definition at line 29 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ surface_level

integer*1 surface_level

Definition at line 31 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ temp_profile

real, dimension(:), allocatable temp_profile

Definition at line 17 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ trop_level

integer*1 trop_level

Definition at line 32 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ ts

real ts

Definition at line 24 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ wind_speed

real wind_speed

Definition at line 23 of file global_model_grids.f90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: