Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
global_model_grids Module Reference

Data Types

type  ancillary_type


subroutine get_model_idx (lat, lon, i, j)
subroutine get_model_idx_geos5 (grid_xstart, grid_ystart, lat, lon, model_i, model_j)
subroutine find_geos5_bounds (istart, iend, jstart, jend, lat, lon)
real function get_w (RH, T, P)


real, dimension(0:719, 0:359, 1) ice_grid
real, dimension(0:359, 0:180, 1) ozn_grid
logical grids_are_read
logical icec_is_read
logical nise_is_read
logical snow_stats_are_read = .false.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ find_geos5_bounds()

subroutine global_model_grids::find_geos5_bounds ( integer, intent(inout)  istart,
integer, intent(inout)  iend,
integer, intent(inout)  jstart,
integer, intent(inout)  jend,
real, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  lat,
real, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  lon 

Definition at line 86 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ get_model_idx()

subroutine global_model_grids::get_model_idx ( real, intent(in)  lat,
real, intent(in)  lon,
integer, intent(inout)  i,
integer, intent(inout)  j 

Definition at line 40 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ get_model_idx_geos5()

subroutine global_model_grids::get_model_idx_geos5 ( integer, intent(in)  grid_xstart,
integer, intent(in)  grid_ystart,
real, intent(in)  lat,
real, intent(in)  lon,
integer, intent(inout)  model_i,
integer, intent(inout)  model_j 

Definition at line 68 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ get_w()

real function global_model_grids::get_w ( real*8, intent(in)  RH,
real*8, intent(in)  T,
real*8, intent(in)  P 

Definition at line 113 of file global_model_grids.f90.

Variable Documentation

◆ grids_are_read

logical grids_are_read

Definition at line 9 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ ice_grid

real, dimension( 0:719, 0:359, 1) ice_grid

Definition at line 5 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ icec_is_read

logical icec_is_read

Definition at line 10 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ nise_is_read

logical nise_is_read

Definition at line 11 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ ozn_grid

real, dimension(0:359, 0:180, 1) ozn_grid

Definition at line 6 of file global_model_grids.f90.

◆ snow_stats_are_read

logical snow_stats_are_read = .false.

Definition at line 12 of file global_model_grids.f90.